The online racing simulator
(7 posts, started )
Ok so, before I splash out on a new set of RAM sticks, because I think one of my GeiL ones have broken, I wanna ask.

I checked my BIOS and the voltage was like 1.8v for the ram (I believe) It was fine till one day then I got a BSOD.

Would this cause 2 sticks (Because this one in atm is fine) to cause a BSOD?

I've tried in multiple slots etc and nothing so lul meh.

Thanks o_o
#2 - STF
If the voltage is too low, you could get BSODs.

Do you have the latencies and voltage set at stock? (not AUTO).
Some mainboards, left on "auto" settings, tend to overvolt. (auto =! stock)

And afaik, overvolted ram... When "getting older" require more and more voltage to function.

Check the rated timings and voltage for your sticks, and set it in bios.. If that doesn`t work, up the voltage a little, 0.05-0.1v..
If it`s decayed it`ll start, and will work for a good period until it starts BSODing again.. Then you`ll need more voltage to keep it stable.. When you reach 2.3V you better have new sticks ready.
Hm.. Okay, I'll stick the other stick back in, up the voltages to 2.1 as it says on the little sticker.

I left all the settings at stock, I didn't change anything o_o.

Gunna test.
#4 - STF
ow, 2.1V factory recommended.. 1.8 is too low.
you don`t have 2 identical sticks?
They are both identical, came from the same pack.

Stuck them in, upped the voltage from 1.8 to 2.1, ran Prime95 for 10minutes.

Before it would crash before it even passed one, but this time it was like on 6 or 7, so that'll do.

Thanks very much
#6 - STF
No problem, Geil are known as vDIMM lovers.
I'm v(ery)DIMM lol

(7 posts, started )