The online racing simulator
The "Post your Vista Experience index" thread
(38 posts, started )
The "Post your Vista Experience index" thread
No, it is not Post your rig, just post your indexes!

Processor: 5.7
RAM: 5.9
GFX: 5.5
Gaming GFX: 5.5
HDD: 5.7

Total: 5.5
my overall rating is 3.0
CPU: 5.2
RAM: 5.9
Graphics: 5.9
Gaming Graphics: 5.9
HDD: 5.6

I just need a better hdd and cpu

Total: 5.2
#4 - amp88
The first of many perfect 5.9s
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Processor : 4.9

Memory (RAM) : 4.8

Graphics : 5.9

Gaming graphics : 5.2

Primary hard disk : 4.2

Overall : 4.2 (Stupid HDD )
Everything 5,9
CPU: 5,5
Memory: 5,0
Graphics: 2,1
Gaming graphics: 2,2
Hard Disk: 5,5

My GPU broke two days ago and my backup card sucks

(its an old pos pc that is gathering dust)
I've got 5
cpu: 5
Memory: 5
Graphical: 5,9
Graphical gaming: 5,1
Primairy hdd: 5,2
3.1 i simply need a new graphics card.. im running a nvidia 7100
CPU : 5,8
RAM : 5,9
Graphics: 5,9
Gaming graphics : 5,9
HDD : 5,9

No way that my cpu scored 5,8! 3,2ghz E8500!
Gaming GPU:5,9
5.9 here. They really should increase it now, most if not all new setups (apart from your crappy standard Dell of course) can be in the high 5 - 4, and nearly all good gaming rigs will be 5.9. There's no comparison between them then...It's like wearing a tea cosy over your e-penis

(NOTE: Although system properties does say it's a Dell, I am in no way, shape, size or form, using a Dell. It's just a Dell OEM OS )
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Quote from dougie-lampkin :
(NOTE: Although system properties does say it's a Dell, I am in no way, shape, size or form, using a Dell. It's just a Dell OEM OS )

I know why
I found a way to get rid of it now though, thanks to Google. So no-one can tell the difference :shhh:
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Damn hard drive *shakes fist*
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#17 - Jakg
5.9 for everything. Wheres my prize?
just wondering, even if you have a million dollar pc, why won't the score go higher then 5,9?
Because it's capped at that, at the moment. M$ said they'd increase the limit when more powerful hardware shows. Not happened yet.
Is there a program for XP that can show you the Vista rating? I am curious of how my computer "ranks" but I definitely am not going to buy Vista.
2.6... Shitty notebook...
"On a scale of 0 - 5.9..."

What a pile of wank.
#23 - SamH
Read 'em and weep. I know I am doing.
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hmmm looks like i need to sort my memory
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vista experience.jpg
From my lappy
Processor 4.7
Ram 4.5 (lol - it went down when I maxxed out the size)
Graphics 4.0
Gaming Graphics 4.6
Hard Disk 5.2

Lowest Score: 4.0 (not bad for a lappy)