V0.3 Updates for both packs are out! Please goto post 25-27 for previews and downloads or click here.
Unrealistic reflection pack
I simply just dont like some realistic objects weaving arround unrealistically on the car, when I am taking shots its fine, but when I am viewing a replay it just looks so weird. So I decided to make this. No matter what camera you use and from whatever angle you view the car, they will now look natural, but unrealistic
All files are worked base on the orginal dds.
In V0.3 all reflection textures are completely re-worked under 1024x1024 size and 16-bit color mode, reflection colors also finetuned according to tracks and their weather.
Clear colorless windows
Also attaching a windows dds pack to make the windows look colorless in LFS. Its for RAC+LX4/6+UF1+all other cars, including a modded headlight glass as well, if you want to keep the defaulf ones, just dont copy "s_glassALPHA.dds" and "s_UF_winALPHA.dds" into your dds folder.
In the 0.3 version, there are whole list of opacity level that you can choose among to suit your personal preference, feel free to mix files of difference opacity to get the optimum result you want.
Hope you like my work
Update Log
24-10-2008 Unrealistic reflection pack v0.2 update
found out that "BWskysunny1_E.dds" was ommited in the first release, so please download the updated one if u hv download before.
25-10-2008 Clear colorless windows v0.2 update
missing "rearscreenALPHA.dds" in the first release which the rear window of the XRs was still in green color, corrected in v0.2.
25-10-2008 Reflection pack v0.3 working in process
Video preview
Normal Quality: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbYy7nbIYyU
Higher Quality: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbYy7nbIYyU&fmt=18
Image preview:
http://www.lfsforum.net/attach ... id=69108&d=1224930615
5-11-2008 Linkage between DDS files, tracks, and weather
Worked out the linkage between DDS files, tracks, and weather, the result is here, and ready to finetune the colors according to the track
11-11-2008 Release of V0.3!
Reflections: The reflection textures had been completely re-worked.
Windows: Added 10 sets of opacity which you can choose from.
Old version preview and DL, for newer version see post 25-27

Unrealistic reflection pack
I simply just dont like some realistic objects weaving arround unrealistically on the car, when I am taking shots its fine, but when I am viewing a replay it just looks so weird. So I decided to make this. No matter what camera you use and from whatever angle you view the car, they will now look natural, but unrealistic

In V0.3 all reflection textures are completely re-worked under 1024x1024 size and 16-bit color mode, reflection colors also finetuned according to tracks and their weather.
Clear colorless windows
Also attaching a windows dds pack to make the windows look colorless in LFS. Its for RAC+LX4/6+UF1+all other cars, including a modded headlight glass as well, if you want to keep the defaulf ones, just dont copy "s_glassALPHA.dds" and "s_UF_winALPHA.dds" into your dds folder.
In the 0.3 version, there are whole list of opacity level that you can choose among to suit your personal preference, feel free to mix files of difference opacity to get the optimum result you want.
Hope you like my work

Update Log
24-10-2008 Unrealistic reflection pack v0.2 update
found out that "BWskysunny1_E.dds" was ommited in the first release, so please download the updated one if u hv download before.
25-10-2008 Clear colorless windows v0.2 update
missing "rearscreenALPHA.dds" in the first release which the rear window of the XRs was still in green color, corrected in v0.2.
25-10-2008 Reflection pack v0.3 working in process
Video preview
Normal Quality: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbYy7nbIYyU
Higher Quality: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbYy7nbIYyU&fmt=18
Image preview:
http://www.lfsforum.net/attach ... id=69108&d=1224930615
5-11-2008 Linkage between DDS files, tracks, and weather
Worked out the linkage between DDS files, tracks, and weather, the result is here, and ready to finetune the colors according to the track
11-11-2008 Release of V0.3!
Reflections: The reflection textures had been completely re-worked.
Windows: Added 10 sets of opacity which you can choose from.
Old version preview and DL, for newer version see post 25-27