The online racing simulator
InSim replay control (new packets)
Hello programmers.

I just wanted to see if you had any comments about a more advanced way of controlling replays from InSim. I'm not starting on a long session of InSim work but Victor had a request for a function to go to any point in a replay and report when that destination was reached.

I took it a bit further and made a useful interface which can be used to load replays as well, move to a specified point in that replay and set options like pause on arrival at destination, and loop replay.

In your version you can of course use the /spr or /mpr commands to start a replay but the new IS_RIP packet gives you more control. This will be of interest to some of you so please have a look at the attached description and see if you can think of anything else that should be added.

The description is in the attached text file.

It does things the quickest way possible, so if you specify the name of a replay that is already loaded, it just moves to the specified point using the same code as the user controlled slider bar. If the replay name is different, LFS exits back to the entry screen and loads the required replay before moving to the specified destination.
Attached files
InSim_replay.txt - 2.2 KB - 347 views
#2 - filur
Being able to request the full SPR/MPR header could be handy.
  • Full control of the replay: pause, end, speed up/down. (Probably already possible; I haven't checked.)
  • Read the current replay speed.
  • Permanently hide the replay controls.