Thanks Racer X (I always take "scary" as a compliment

Well, obviously there's a lot about nerdbook and emospace that suck balls. Massive ones.
However, it was through emospace that my band (
linkage) found an outstanding, world-class producer who put our debut album together for a bargain. His girl saw our page, worded him up, he loved it and bingo. A year later and we have an independently made, sick sounding LP - 100% owned by us - ready & waiting to be leaked onto the net and "shared". Emospace been very useful to us in attracting fans & keeping them up to date on recording and gigs as well. However, the fact that it's been useful doesn't change the fact that myspace is a visual abortion, (still!) has a retarded UI and (still!) behaves as if it were coded by two chimps between hits on their bucket bong.
Conclusion: myspace, though ugly & clunky, is useful if you have something to sell or promote; it's a pointless & ugly billboard-y bucket of shit otherwise.
Nerdbook...well, that's kind of been useful for arranging social events & keeping in touch because all my old friends are either hundreds of miles away back in our home town, or overseas. But we also have our own private forum to keep in touch, so I guess nerdbook is kind of redundant. It's very spammy and the ads are constant, but it least it's easy to use and easy to look at. Meh. I could do without it though, some of my friends are a bit too spammy...
Conclusion: nerdbook is decent visually, useful if your friends are all over the place; however it's also prime marketing turf so you'll be bombarded with ads and there will be constant invitations to play retarded games, join pointless clubs and constant notifications of every pointless thing your friends get up to.
Overall conclusion: if you already have friends - hell, do what you want. Nerdbook's useful for keeping tabs on existing friends. If you want new friends, what the **** are you doing looking on the internet? Go get drunk and buy a stranger a beer. Join a band/chess club/football club/get a freaking job. Meet actual humans.