If you're looking for something different, I'd recommend the following two movies:
The plot is simple yet layered with many metaphors. People everywhere start to become blind. The focus lies on a group of blind people who are quarantined. It shows how fragile social structure is and sheds light on the inherent tenacity of human nature. If you like Hollywood-type action movies then this isn't one for you. It's imagery is quite powerful and I've even read about some people walking out of the cinema during certain scenes. If you enjoyed reading "Lord of the Flies", you may like this movie. You can derive some interesting parallels to issues like the control of world trade, dominance of nuclear powers, unfair acquisition of resources, and much more.
The Kite Runner
This movie is based off of a best-selling novel by Khaled Hosseini. It's about a childhood friendship in Afghanistan and how it evolves over time under different circumstances. It shows the Russian invasion and then transitions to the rule of the Taliban. There are also some interesting metaphors in this movie that reflect race & class discrimination, the lack of action by the international community, and plenty more to stimulate those neurons!
I'll throw in a "not for the masses" disclaimer for both movies. Other than that, ENJOY!