We've been playing this at work. It's a bit silly, but quite addictive. You keep a stable of up to 3 cars and can buy mods (either performance or ricing) to win races to afford more stuff. The races are a bit more than just clicking 'race', as you have to accelerate and do your own gears so reactions and coordination come into it as well as just being able to pick the right parts from the shop. It's all real named-cars too.
We've been playing this at work. It's a bit silly, but quite addictive. You keep a stable of up to 3 cars and can buy mods (either performance or ricing) to win races to afford more stuff. The races are a bit more than just clicking 'race', as you have to accelerate and do your own gears so reactions and coordination come into it as well as just being able to pick the right parts from the shop. It's all real named-cars too.