Start procedure:
- Normal start procedure (rolling start)
- Each team's starting driver must be present in the server within 10 minutes of the scheduled start time.
- GT1: 108 laps
- GT2: 103 laps
- Driver names must show the car class and the team number of the driver and must show the real name of the driver. Classes are distinguished by different colors of the team numbers. GT1 uses blue and GT2 uses red. The name must be white, and spaces should be used around the hyphen and between the first initial and family name. Example:
GT1: 10 – P. Kempermann
GT2: 30 – P. Kempermann
- Drivers who connect using an invalid name will receive a drive-through penalty (DT), as a name change is considered to be equivalent to a chat message and will be dealt with similarly.
- A driver who leaves the pits with the wrong name will receive a stop and go penalty (SG). While serving this penalty, the driver must change his name.
- For ease of communication, each team must have at least one representative in the Masters of Endurance IRC channel (#moe @ Gamesurge) during each race. If/when this representative is driving, a secondary representative must be present.
- During each race, team representatives on the MoE IRC channel must use nicknames formatted as "Teamname|Nickname"
- Penalties must be served within 10 minutes of the time they are issued.