The online racing simulator
#1 - lerts
is it me or there are perception altering images
for example this one of my lift alteres my perception if i concentrate on it:

is it "normal", like there are hypnotic images or is it just me

btw 1st time i noticed this i was 6 years old with the symetric pattern of my wall, now with that very same wall im learning to control this mood XD
#2 - CSU1
in before the lock
In before daz lockeywokwok
#3 - lerts
so just why i think odd im not wellcome

i fail to see the difference between my ot and other ot
It's a wall, that's all.
Quote from NotAnIllusion :It's a wall, that's all.

You're a poet and I bet you know it.

Lerts, it's just you and that little drugged up brain of yours.
I want to see, I want to pee...
#7 - lerts
and why did it happen to me when i was 6 years old?
Quote from lerts :and why did it happen to me when i was 6 years old?

Your parents spiked all your food and drink?
Acid is one hell of a drug.
Well, I notice if you stare at Stucco ceilings, you get kind of strange looks too... Sometimes the edges of walls, and then seemingly normal things bring unexpected results.
#11 - CSU1
Quote from lerts :and why did it happen to me when i was 6 years old?

Your dealer had not yet become?
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Well, I notice if you stare at Stucco ceilings, you get kind of strange looks too... Sometimes the edges of walls, and then seemingly normal things bring unexpected results.

Hehe, this reminds me of a silly prank. Get into a busy elevator and just stare at the wall the whole time Makes people think 'wtf?!'
The lizardmen make you see it that way lerts, looks i'll explain, it's quite simple.

In order to make sure your ascention of this reality takes a long time they have placed various misguiding puzzles and clues which are designed to lead you off the path to enlightenment and using enough of your brain to achieve the next level of ascention.

It's just an unsolveable puzzles put here to thwart your time travelling genius from ever unlocking the key to the next stage.

Amusing that's exactly what I am too, i'm just a lizardman overseer ploy, and you are right the lizardmen are cute, that's why they made me to fill the role. We're all just constructs of the lizardmen afterall, and we all serve our purpose in guiding or hindering you from the path.

And naturally, this post is the cleverest double bluff of them all... or is it a bluff bluff bluff, or just a bluff? Who knows...

That's what you have to decide lerts, will you swallow the red pill, or the blue?
#15 - CSU1
on a more serious note; yes Lerts, it's just you, I and the many people who have consumed large amounts of narcotics over the years. At very worst you may see shadows moving around the walls in poor light, fact is drugs mess up the brain in many strange ways which only become apparent in older age...kind of like a constant sober trip....a constant bad trip
They don't alter your perception, they are optical illusions, ie. they look like they have an extra dimension when they don't. They don't make you THINK any differently, but the eye's natural instinct is to search for 3 dimensions, so in these cases that's what it sees.
Maybe Lerts you are the next Salvador Dali but yet to find that opening? I'm not much into art but Salvador is a star.
Oh deary me.

The answer to all your questions, Lerts'.

Great, he's able to get hypnotised by a wall...
Quote from lerts :for example this one of my lift alteres my perception if i concentrate on it:

is it "normal", like there are hypnotic images or is it just me

btw 1st time i noticed this i was 6 years old with the symetric pattern of my wall, now with that very same wall im learning to control this mood XD

It's you. Come back when you have something logical to say, please.
John, havnt seen you in ages in either game! - how are you ?
#23 - Vain
While it is Lerts it doesn't mean everything he says is nonesense.
Quite simply it's normal that on certain surfaces the brain can't work out what the actual geometry is like. That is because the brain uses two 2D-images to construct an impression of 3d-space. Of course that is not going to work well in some lighting-situations, especially when a difficult textures of a surface somes into play.
It starts with the obvious graphical illusions like this where your brain gets confused trying to identify "up" depending on where at the picture you look, continues with this showing that obviously the brain is making a couple of wrong assumptions about objects we see regarding their state of movement and also has its effect on everyday life. It's all down to the fact that you can't see 3d-space. Your brain just guesses very smartly what the space around you propably looks like. But sometimes it falls flat on it's brainstem when things get more difficult.


P.S.: That's my contribution to a Lerts-thread. ...Once in a lifetime...
Oh my gawd! How could I forget about Lerts?

EDIT: @ Becky

I lol'd at that speeding camera photo!