The online racing simulator
Back Home (South City Long Layout)
(9 posts, started )
Back Home (South City Long Layout)
Here I am again with my second layout!
The name "Back Home" is a reference to the song "City" by Lo-Fi-Fnk -

"Boy it's great to be back home, the city that's where we belong"

- because it's on a South City configuration (see what I did there? ) Alternative names for the layout, based on the shape of City Long, were "Ghost Hitchhiker" and "Duck".

This one is lighter than my previous layout at 138 objects, but I've still given it Destruction Derby circuit qualities! This time I listened to Late Of The Pier's album "Fantasy Black Channel" while making it (although why I'm telling you this I have no idea)

So here are the pics:
London Road to Beckton Road: Just a simple extension of the corner to make it sharper, which should cause more crashes!

Beckton Half-Chicane: The first of three slightly narrowed parts of the track, all being half chicanes.

Beckton / Mewsway Split: Another split, but which side should you take? The left... or the right?

Split Result 1 and Split Result 2: Taking the left puts you on the main track, where you jump from textured road to tramway (watch out for cables!), while going right puts you in the narrow pit area for Sprint 2, and if loads of people take that route, there'll be a blockage!

Mackenzie Road Half-Chicane: The second of three slightly narrowed parts of the track, all being half chicanes. Makes the turn longer than it originally is (looks better like this to be honest).

Camberton Road Half-Chicane: The last of three slightly narrowed parts of the track, all being half chicanes. (The mistake with the out-of-place white barrier has been fixed)

Camberton to High Street, a.k.a. "The Compass": Another extended corner, which earns its nickname for looking a bit like a compass (the one you draw circles with, and not the directional one)

London Two Lanes: One half of the London Road Super-Narrows, with it only being two lanes wide!

London One Lane and No Pit Entry: :evil: The other half of the Super-Narrows, this time being wide enough for just one car! In the background is the obligatory blocked pit entry, which all my DD layouts will have.

As before, you can modify the layout, but only if I get a copy first!

Download it from the attachment!
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SO4_BackHome.lyt - 1.1 KB - 1749 views
Nice stuff! downloading now!
Quote from jamodabestdood :Nice stuff! downloading now!

Thanks for that Jamo!
P.S. You ever coming back to the banger servers?
also, 100th post!

I have had an idea - I will convert the layouts that I've made to their reverse counterparts, and I will convert this one to the Town Course, but I'll still keep the narrowed parts in.
More to come soon, i.e. tomorrow
Back Home [Remake] (South City Town Course Layout)
Sorry for double posting, but I've just done the Town Course remake. It's marginally heavier than the original, with 147 objects rather than 138. I can't remember what I was listening to this time! :ices_rofl

The only two changes to the first course are:
  • The loss of the London Road Super-Narrows!
  • The gain of the High Street Super-Narrows!
Their descriptions (and pictures [basically the same as the London ones] ):

High Street Two Lanes: One half of the High Street Super-Narrows, with it only being two lanes wide! It's a bit shorter than the London Two Lanes, but it could still cause some mayhem!

High Street One Lane and No Pit Entry: :evil: The other half of the Super-Narrows, this time being wide enough for just one car and being amazingly long; probably twice as long than the London One Lane! Right in the background is the obligatory blocked pit entry, which all my DD layouts will have.

Download it from the attachment, and expect the reverse versions of these two sometime in the future!
Attached files
SO5_BackHomeRemake.lyt - 1.2 KB - 637 views
Quote from Jon606 :As before, you can modify the layout, but only if I get a copy first!

I downloaded the layout and had a bit of fun getting used to it, another good layout Jon .

But I thought the motorway section was a bit too... basic... for a DD layout. So I stuck a couple of barriers in the middle to make a chicane. I won't upload the entire layout thing, just a screenshot of what I did to see if you approve.

As you can see I got my braking a little wrong...

Edit : Forgot to say I also stuck 2 barriers at the end of the motorway to squeeze people together again, you can see them in the picture.
Nice layout there
Once we find a suitable server we'll collect these layouts and change between 'em.
Quote from DavidSco :I downloaded the layout and had a bit of fun getting used to it, another good layout Jon .

But I thought the motorway section was a bit too... basic... for a DD layout. So I stuck a couple of barriers in the middle to make a chicane. I won't upload the entire layout thing, just a screenshot of what I did to see if you approve.

As you can see I got my braking a little wrong...

Edit : Forgot to say I also stuck 2 barriers at the end of the motorway to squeeze people together again, you can see them in the picture.

I decided not to put anything on the motorway because if we're having an online race and people are getting spun out left right and centre then there would be no point of having chicanes and the like because it would cause people to get flipped out of the race. But I like your idea and may implement it into a second version of the layout.
emoH kcaB & ekameR emoH kcaB (South City Long & Town Course Reversals Layouts)
Here's the long-awaited reversals of my South City layouts. emoH kcaB is slightly lighter than ekameR emoH kcaB, at 159 objects compared to 165 for the Remake. The original has two changes (not counting the pit lane cut-off), while the remake only has one (again, not counting the pit lane cut-off). The original has a unique change which can't be found on the remake.

So, to the pictures of the adjusted / new bits!

sworraN-repuS daoR nodnoL: enaL enO & senaL owT
[London Road Super-Narrows: One Lane & Two Lanes if you can't read it / are annoyed by it]: I reversed the order of the Super-Narrows so you have the Two Lanes where the One Lane was, and vice versa. This was because if it was left as it was, you would probably hit the barrier and flip out of the race. It's unique to the original version.

That Road That Links Mackenzie Road And Mewsway Split: Extended the split so that people won't favour the right hand side. Would have given it its streetname but I couldn't find it. It's on both versions.

New Split Result: Result of above. Slightly changed from the original. On both versions.

No Pit Entry: On both versions. Does as it says.

Download them from the attachments. Regular reproduction rules apply.
Attached files
SO4R_emoHkcaB.lyt - 1.3 KB - 542 views
SO5R_ekameRemoHkcaB.lyt - 1.3 KB - 534 views
Looks cool
Btw, come on meow server, DD now .)

Back Home (South City Long Layout)
(9 posts, started )