The online racing simulator
Request - XFG/BLGP/Wheel/Grip
(8 posts, started )
Request - XFG/BLGP/Wheel/Grip
I'm using the Nilex WR setup for the XFG on Blackwood GP, but can't seem to get consistent 33's due to the oversteer. I particularly struggle in the second split with this set. I tried setups from previous patches that felt much more balanced with much better initial bite on turn in. I've checked all the common setup sites, but patch Z setups aren't very common.

Can anyone pass along a setup I could try out for hotlapping/5 lap sprints, for XFG at Blackwood GP, suitable for wheel, patch Z, and capable of low 33's?

Thanks in advance.
I was driving that last night and while I'd admit I'm very out of practise (so not getting 33s) I wouldn't describe that set as having problems with oversteer. Infact without concentrating on driving techneques I'd say it had understeer problems for example I often found I needed to give the throttle a quick blip to get the nose turned in properly just before the appex of T1 and had to make sure I used the curbs at the end of the straight and on entry to the second S's to increase the turn in effect (i.e. ride up onto the curb and initiate turn in while coming off the brakes)

Goes to show that a set has to fit the way you drive I'd concentrate on technique before chasing setup too much, if you really can't get things happening how you like then probaly your best bet is to use the set that gives you the fastest times and tune it slightly towards your driving preference. If you describe exactly where and under what circumstances you are getting undisired oversteer we could give you indications on what to adjust to 'make it more stable'.

Actually I just realised I wan't driving the most current Nilex set, version I was using was BL1_Nilex2285 which has a lower rear end than the newer 2561 version so you may find the older set will give you better feel in the areas where you were experiencing oversteer

The two sections highlighted in red are where I struggle with this setup. The first section I have to give up a significant amount of time just to make it through without losing the rear. The optimal line would be to set up at the edge of the rumble strip on the outside, but the only way I can get any rear grip is to stay off of it altogether. I seem to lose the rear as it crosses back onto the asphalt. Another key element is the amount of braking I do before turn in. If I do anything more than just a quick tap I end up sliding wide which doesn't make any sense to me. The only thing I can think of is maybe the way I'm hitting that camber change (the hump) before the apex is causing the loss of rear grip, but I can't seem to figure out how to stop it.

The last section I think is just me being inconsistent, but I can only seem to really nail the last corner about 25% of the time. When I don't I'm in the low 34's, and when I do I'm in the 33's. The car feels a little vague through there, and I can't really predict whether it's going to track too far inside or run wide on any given lap.

A few of the other setups I tried felt like they handled much better, and I could be more aggressive through the first section without sliding the car, but those sets had other shortcomings. One in particular had great feel but for some reason the car would break after only a few laps each session.

Thanks for any suggestions.
Quote from Highside! :A few of the other setups I tried felt like they handled much better, and I could be more aggressive through the first section without sliding the car, but those sets had other shortcomings. One in particular had great feel but for some reason the car would break after only a few laps each session.

Thanks for any suggestions.

I ran a few laps with the newer set (Nilex2561 version from inferno) and did find it had quite different handling mid corner to the earlier version.

What I soon realised though was that with the old set (Nilex2285) you would have understeer and have to be more gentle with the throttle before the appex with the new set it is the opposite. You actually need to get back onto the throttle to prevent oversteer, which makes sense because the bum is sticking up in the air more and the suspension is a little softer that end in this version.

This does mean that the set is less stable than the earlier set, but I can see how it will be a faster set because it allows you to get on full throttle earlier.

So my susggestion is on the corners where your having problems aim to get back on the throttle earlier (even if it feels wrong) I was basically braking, turn in and then back on full throttle, hit appex, power out.

With that set when in doubt mash the throttle and you'll be right the downside of this set though is that it will punish a poor line especially if you entry speed is abit hot.
Perfectly described!
I think that's what I was using when I bumped into you on a demo server, I am sure this set can be fast but I should have studied a little bit before trying it, because it does punish inaccurate lines and (my case) inaccurate in a relaxed way braking points, braking force and throttle input.
Basically I was trying to be smooth with this set when it calls for on / off throttle - brake inputs and very precise steering.
I should take time to "tame" it for my beginner skills but... I always end up clicking on multiplayer-->race intead of garage-->practice when I start LFS
Quote from Mille Sabords :I always end up clicking on multiplayer-->race intead of garage-->practice when I start LFS

I do the same, it's not the quickest way to improve your skills but it is the most fun way with the limited time I have these days

Back on topic I think a set made somewhere inbetween the two (nilex2285 and 2561) would be a good compromise for wheel users and general racing, might have a tinker sometime soon on it
I'm looking forward to it, as I will probably no spend time tweaking XFG sets... Not my favorite car, although it is a good car for learners (but not only).
Guys, where can you download setups that you are talking about? (Nilex2561)

Request - XFG/BLGP/Wheel/Grip
(8 posts, started )