The online racing simulator
Are There any REAL racers on this forum
i am iterested to find out if anyone else is a real race driver. if so waht do you race in, upload a picture and how does it compare to LFS and other sims
hers my car. I am 13 so it is a junior series. it is a 1000cc mini that races on 1/4 mole tarmac ovals in the uk. a new picture soon i hope because i get my new car this sunday
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Grimley pics 022.jpg
there's me running down at Paul Ricard playing with some pedal go-cart.

Some dude was there too and wanted to have a go too dunno if u recognise him pic below. He told some ginger tennis dude that was with him that the go-cart "was not a toy... it is a machine"!

Currently racing the finances
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#4 - 5haz
Some great shots there Forbin and others, from what I've heard you have to be pretty close to the limit to get your knee down.

How not to take Corkscrew part 1 at Anglesey...

Trying to trail-brake in, not too much to worry about at the moment.

Hold on...

Pose for a photo

Too much opposite lock, back end snaps round, not good...

You're doing it wrong!

At least I kept the marshalls entertained, especially when I managed to go straight on at Rocket corner 2 laps in a row.

A combination of a seat that was made for a midget, a bad setup for a damp track, a slipping throttle pedal making it impossible to downchange without locking the rear wheels and some idiotic driving on my part resulted in me breaking the world record for the most spins in one race.

As for LFS, its pretty damn close to reality, although there aren't any cars in LFS that are similar to a G20, probrably LX4 would be the closest.

EDIT: I forgot to say thanks to the bloke who took these photos, can't remember his name!
Currently in a race with DEATH....

......he's catching up
#6 - 5haz
5haz that's cool I was thinking of doing the Ginetta's. I've not been to see them yet, i'm at least a year away from having sufficient finances to race again, but they look cheap and fun and my brother and father keep raving about them as the formula to do. Can I ask, what's a realistic budget for running competitively near the front for a season?
#8 - 5haz
Quote from Becky Rose :5haz that's cool I was thinking of doing the Ginetta's. I've not been to see them yet, i'm at least a year away from having sufficient finances to race again, but they look cheap and fun and my brother and father keep raving about them as the formula to do. Can I ask, what's a realistic budget for running competitively near the front for a season?

Club Ginetta was basically set up this year for all the poor people (like me an my old man :razz that cant afford to race in the main G20 series, so its racing for kicks really, you don't get any ultra competetive ****s.

Entry fees are around just over £300 a race (ouch!), and a brand new G20 will cost you £13k (ouch again!), but there are plenty of second hand ones that people are looking to sell for a few k.

We've probrably done a season on around 4-5k (I have yet to do the adding up, but entry fees came to £1600, but I didnt do a full season :schwitz, but we're probrably also the smallest budget car on the grid, it also means that while just about everyone else is running 150hp Duratec motors, I'm running a 130hp Zetec .

You'll want to spend a bit more than that if you want to be a front runner, I'm currently upper midfield, but picking up the occasional podium, so if you're on a budget and you just want to race for kicks, then Club Ginetta is probrably the cheapest, most suitable series out there currently.

The grids are a bit small (If it rains, half of them dont show up), but it is the championships first year, and the racing is still fairly close.

Clubs like the SEMSEC (South East Motor Enthiusiasts Club) and the Welsh Sports and Saloon Championship allow Ginetta G20s to race in certain classes too, and they're even cheaper than club Ginetta, so perhaps that may be another Series to look into as well.

EDIT: If you do get your hands on a second hand G20, do make sure you give it a very thourough check before driving it, Ginetta have a infamous reputation for frightening build quality (its not so bad now theyre under new management), and most second hand cars have been put in the barrier a few times (ours was writtern off twice in two race weekends in a row by the previous owner!).

nice car mate, i wish i had the money to do the juniors but i don't epecilly after just buying a new mini
I Do Juniors but im giving up soon (Im on Dirt at the moment) This Year i ended 2nd in championship in first season. This is Exactly like XFG On lfs Bangers.

We was thinking of doing Junior Ginetta's But Now they are with BTCC Its a bit to expensive..

So we have to go to Saxmax Championship(Citreon saxo) Next year

I Dont know why people calls me Spoilt?.. Im not getting a great lot of money spent on me.
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Quote from Jordan2007 :I Do Juniors but im giving up soon (Im on Dirt at the moment) This Year i ended 2nd in championship in first season. This is Exactly like XFG On lfs Bangers.

We was thinking of doing Junior Ginetta's But Now they are with BTCC Its a bit to expensive..

So we have to go to Saxmax Championship(Citreon saxo) Next year

I Dont know why people calls me Spoilt?.. Im not getting a great lot of money spent on me.

Racername: Jordan2007/8
Online at: [url="lfs://%7C-+-Lfs+Bangers-+-%7C0%7CS2%7C/"]- -Lfs Bangers- -[/url]

i guess it does compare somehow to LFS

nice pics guys! keep it up
Quote from 5haz :How does that compare to LFS?

Hard to explain but I'll give it a go.

You know when you are leading a race, but the driver behind is 5 seconds behind, but gaining 1 second a lap and there are only 6 laps left.....

...... multiplay that feeling by 12,547,123,128 and you come close
(5haz) DELETED by 5haz
Oo and iv got my Mini, Its Exactly like UFR Even Sounds like it

EDIT: That isnt me in the picture, its me Dad
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Jordan 058.JPG
#14 - 5haz
Now that its a nice Mini, I see you have Blue with Yellow wheels as well.
Joe - what happened at Brands then? 3rd in race one with a good best lap, but in race two only 6th and a muhc slower best lap?

I shall now attempt to follow your racing as well. There are too many LFS racers these days, and it's hard to keep up to date with all of them!
#16 - 5haz
Quote from tristancliffe :Joe - what happened at Brands then? 3rd in race one with a good best lap, but in race two only 6th and a muhc slower best lap?

I shall now attempt to follow your racing as well. There are too many LFS racers these days, and it's hard to keep up to date with all of them!

2nd race I stalled it when the lights went out (from 3rd place!), even Silverstone Sid (or Brands Hatch Bernard if you like) driving the ambulance overtook me.

By the end of lap 1 I was back with the back of the pack, but overall apart from passing and lapping a few people it was a lonely race.

As for the 1st race, the first two laps were dry (hence the much faster time, was catching 2nd place) and then an accident got the safety car out, by the time the car went in it was chucking it down with rain, being on a dry setup with stiff front Anti roll bar and Springs in torrential rain can be quite a lot of fun.

2nd race it was rain all the way so I was a bit slower, plus I wasn't chasing anyone.

Can never quite get a whole race weekends worth of luck, also I seem to bring the rain with me to every track I visit, haven't had a single 'outing'where the track has been completely dry! (At Lydden as soon as pulled into the pits with a cracked block the rain stopped and the sun came out).

As for LFS racers, I'm always on the look out to see if any familiar names pop up in Autosport.
I used to do non contact juniors in a nova like jordan but on tarmac, Finished that and now Im moving onto bigger full contact Bangers
man if only i could race but my parents don't got the money for it..
I race in a Toyota MR2 Mk1 only racing series. Am just coming to the end of my first year of racing and it's been pretty good. In my first race of the year at Silverstone I was leading until some muppet lunged me, messed up and knocked me back to 5th. Since then I've had a couple of podiums but also some monumentally bad luck with engines - at one race meeting the one we had in the car was slowly dieing, spurting out all its coolant meaning a huge drop in performance and some bad results.

The event after that we had a newer, reconditioned engine in, but only 3 laps into qualifying it was making the most horrendous rattle and performace was so bad it wouldn't rev at all, and I mean at all. Just as I was coming into the pits, it conked out so I pulled off the track. Turned out a big end bearing was shot which bent a conrod, damaged a valve and also did the head in a bit. So that was the end of that "race" day, didn't even get to actually race.

So now we've got another newer engine in and this one is better. We had a bit of an overheating problem with it in Quali and Race 1 at the last event but got it sorted for Race 2 and had an excellent battle.

There's loads of pics and vids on my website if anyone's interested -

are you a member of minimaxman?
Nope, never really got round to it.
#22 - 5haz
MR2 racing looks like jolly good fun.

Bad luck about the engine(s), I'm still trying to flog a 1600 Zetec with a massive split in the block and destroyed head gasket.

Any takers? Am willing to come down to £1.50 not incld Post n Packaging, might make a lovely ornament.

I see you are/ were in the Under 17 Car Club, I'm an ex-member also and my dads the venue controller for North Weald.
Quote from mutt107 :man if only i could race but my parents don't got the money for it..

Nor did mine. With the exception of some basic tools, all of my racing expenses have come out of my own pocket. I had been working full-time for 6 months before I ever even got on the track, and another 2 months before I had my first race.

Winter is rough due to the lack of track time, but it does give me a chance to save up for the coming racing season.
#24 - 5haz
Regarding money, I think its very very bad that I don't actually quite know how much my parents are spending on racing, for some reason the race entry fee invoices get adressed to me, and they're frightening enough.

I really do need to get a job, but the problem is because I'm at college nearly all week the only time I have free to work is weekends, when more often than not I will be racing.