People, just... chill please!
All this drama just because the destruction server?
I mean, the point is to have fun, and crash and just laught at the others missery. But there allways seems that someoen just have to raise someone's agro meeter

So, please bear in mind that this Destruction Server is just for a laugh, not serious racing. You HAVE to know that you most likely will get crashed, since that is DD after all!
Now, when that is said, let's enjoy the simple fun with it

I can't do anything about that lag sorry, 32 cars and max connections just seem to lag, because there's allways someone with a bad connection. But you have to admit, even with the lag it was great fun hehe..
So, who is up for some racing tonight? Around 19.00 (norwegian time) I'll come online, and I will set up the server. I am not sure if we use the meow or cow server, I just checks whats works and comes here to notify

So, who is up for some real destrucion 19.00 tonight?! Can we manage 32 cars today too?!