The online racing simulator
Thrillz & Spillz (Blackwood GP Layout)
I've just made this, my first layout, in about 1 to 2 hours. It's not perfect, i.e. misjoined barriers, but it works. It's meant to be used for things like Destruction Derby more than actual racing, so why does it have to be perfect? It "weighs" in at 211 objects, I listened to both of Metronomy's albums twice during the making of the track, but enough with statistics; here's some shots of the track! (Sorry that they're in PNG form, but JPEGs might have messed the quality up a bit)

Turn 1: do you go left, and venture onto the grass, or do you go right, and avoid all that commotion?

Two Ways: the result of your above option.

Airtime: You can get lots of airtime after hitting the first ramp!

Lawnmower Turn: So called because you'll be helping the Blackwood staff clean up the overgrowth!

Sunken Ramp: Blame the track staff for this - they never told me that the middle of the ramp was sinking!

Bad Advertising: The person who did this has been fired from Blackwood's staff, i.e. me.

Bunker Bend: Mmm, this corner's good for slick tyres!

No Way In & The Second Bunker: You can't pit; that means you'll be dragging your wreck all the way around the track until you finish! :evil: Also, another good corner for slicks!

Download it from the attachment, and you can modify it how you want (as long as I get a copy of it first! :razz
Thanks to Joni (Disposable) for the skin - get the whole skinpack here!

EDIT: Fixed a problem regarding the first turn.
Attached files
BL1_Thrillz & Spillz.lyt - 1.7 KB - 1019 views
Nice presentation.
Wow, that's looks very nice ! I'll try it next Monday when I will be back home.
I've just been testing the Airtime ramp, and I got these results:
An end to end flip in a RAC, and an incredible 12 and 3/4 rolls in a LX6!
See the attached SPR replays for these!
Attached files
end to end flip.spr - 25.3 KB - 390 views
rollin rollin rollin.spr - 23 KB - 883 views
I'm on it just now as well Jon in the XRT. On lap 2 @ Airtime the front left suspension went, and on lap 3 the front right went causing me to barrel roll and land on my roof.

We need to get this layout online Good work Jon
I'm thinking of doing another one of these, but on a track without ramps.
I'm not doing Blackwood Rallycross because there is already an awesome DD style layout for it made by Gekkibi and it would probably be an insult to it to make another one.
Jon give if it up sucks
jon this is seriously pants

give it up as a bad job
Quote from youngy220 :jon this is seriously pants

give it up as a bad job

What a usefull comment.. It was his first layout, and tbh it wasn't that bad either. It's orginal and it suits the kind of racing it's meant for. Constructive critism is accepted and wanted, but saying that it just sucks it both immature and useless comment.

Jon - I enjoyed the layout Maybe a little too much gras for me, but still enjoyable.
Nice one, i havent try it yet but i will do sometimes
Quote from The Very End :Jon - I enjoyed the layout Maybe a little too much gras for me, but still enjoyable.

You'll be happy about my next layout then, because there will be no grass!

I'm going to try and do a DD style layout on one of the South City layouts (possibly Classic, City Long, Town Course or Chicane Route) and I'm going to make it DD style by doing what was done on the street circuit (City Heat) in DD1, i.e. narrowing down the track in some places, and if I choose Town Course or City Long, then I can cut part of the course off and make people dive down the Sprint 2 pits instead!

Expect to see this soon.
Don't forget the Calc Cannyon track, that tube thingy where it only was possible to go 1 car width, that was fun Maybe try to use these barriers that looks more like / than | if you understand what I mean
Quote from The Very End :Don't forget the Calc Cannyon track, that tube thingy where it only was possible to go 1 car width, that was fun Maybe try to use these barriers that looks more like / than | if you understand what I mean

You know what's weird: I'm actually in the process of doing that!
EDIT: Finished it, will get round to posting it up in a bit.
zllipS & zllirhT (Blackwood GP Reverse Layout)
Thrillz & Spillz comes to Blackwood GP Reverse, with nearly the same as the usual, but with an added 17.1% of objects, taking it to 247! I couldn't call it Thrillz & Spillz (because the normal one is called that) so I flipped it round to read zllipS & zllirhT instead!

As the track's been converted to reverse, most of the things (like ramps) have been reversed, and the split has been made different so that people can't blast down the track. Naturally, the pit entrance has been blocked like before, and the pit exit is unblocked.

The new bits on the track are (pictures below):

Still Bad Advertising: D'oh! :doh: I thought I'd avoided that!

Still Sunken Ramp: Looks like the whole of the inside of the turn has a sinkage problem!

Lawnmover Turn Revamp: Redid the entry to the turn as it was missing the barriers.

SUPER Airtime: With a much longer run-up, you shouldn't just be getting airtime, but entering into airspace!

New Two Ways: Now this is the main change. To stop people favouring the left side, it's been narrowed so you have no choice but to go off-road on either side! Should cause some mental pile-ups!

Turn Last & No Way Through: Nothing much changed apart from the extension of the barriers nearest to the pits so there's no way through! :evil:

Download it from the attachment, regular modification rules apply, yadda yadda yadda.
EDIT: Fixed two problems regarding the New Two Ways.
Attached files
BL1R_zllipS & zllirhT.lyt - 1.9 KB - 759 views
Thrillz & Spillz (Online Friendly SUPER-Revamp) [Blackwood GP Layout]
Due to my layout totally killing the server yesterday, I decided to super-revamp it by removing loads of stuff and adding more ramps. The reverse version won't be revamped because there really isn't any need to do so if we're only gonna use this one online. This layout has 201 objects compared to the original of 211, but most of them are ramps so it makes a difference.

The unaltered bits on the track from the first post are Airtime, Bad Advertising, Sunken Ramp, and Two Ways. Everything else has either been highly altered or, in some cases, removed altogether and replaced.

So here are the new bits:

Turn 0.5: Removed lots of bits on the inside so that no-one gets flipped out unnecessarily, but the split still remains.

You're Not Working For Blackwood's Ground Staff Anymore: It's best NOT to take this jump at 100mph+, otherwise you WILL go into the sandtrap. The mistake with the barriers has been corrected.

Into The Darkness...: Jump into the darkness as you go over the ramp...

...And Out To The Track: ...before coming out again over another ramp. Also, you can't see it in the pic, but there is no pit entry once more! :evil:
The last two pictures' titles are a reference to The Rapture's EP "Out Of The Races And Onto The Tracks")

Download it from the attachment, regular modification / editing rule applies.
Attached files
BL1_Thrillz & Spillz Online.lyt - 1.6 KB - 429 views
Very good Jon

Just need someone to come home from work and put on the server to try them out **Hurry up The Very End**
Lol you
I have saved the download link into my mail account, so when home it takes me 1 min to download, install it, and equipt server with it.
Don't worry, it will come
Quote from Jordan2007 :Very good Jon

Just need someone to come home from work and put on the server to try them out **Hurry up The Very End**

Why don't ya download it so you can practice on it first?
cause il be on me own!!, Uv never seen my game when im on my own with my AI Drivers!! They attack you Like there is no tommorow!!
I bet my money on 4 finishers out of 25 starters if TVE put this layout on [noobs]cow tonight !
Btw, planning to use meow server this evening. It ain't allow people to vote or do things, and it will be easier to controll it
Quote from The Very End :Btw, planning to use meow server this evening. It ain't allow people to vote or do things, and it will be easier to controll it

please put this layout on the server