What I think should be taught in all schools is tolerance of all people no matter color, religion, sexual orientation, country of orgin etc etc. A human being is a human being regardless of who they share their bed with.
Tolerance of all people except perhaps a certain [noob] in this world. I can think of a few things we should do to that intolerable [noob].....
:bluegrab: :chairs: :something
So what you're saying is, its not education unless its liberal education. Got it.
You could be right, it may not make sense at all. Lets also agree that being told that you're straight when you're gay also never leads to heterosexual sex and marriage. Its me and you versus everybody now, friend.
Yes I disagree with that part, too. The vast majority of kindergartners have a mother and a father, so chances are that will come naturally without having to be taught.
What you're saying is, if you don't tell little Billy why Steve has two mothers, he'll be depressed for life and kill himself. Thats quite a stretch, no? I think you have MUCH more of a chance of being depressed and suicidal because you were teased for being fat or stupid or an infinite amount of other terrible things children say to eachother. As for the marriage part, me and rocksGT have come to the agreement that that is an extremely rare situation.
You'll have to explain what your definition of the word "liberal" encompasses. Education is intended to liberate.
Unfulfilling and empty heterosexual sex and marriage, probably with the gay partner ultimately being unfaithful and feeling all the shame and guilt that goes with it.
What if your child is gay? Or he has gay kids at his school who he subsequently bullies based on your assertion to him that homosexuality isn't acceptable?
I'm guessing nothing that involves rock either as a basis or as a heritage. People with Mike's sociopolitical persuasion (i.e. far right wing [neocon etc]) despise rock and refuse to acknowledge it as music, or permit it to be played on the radio etc because... it corrupts the children! Yes, that's right.. it turns them into depraved, fornicating, reefer-headed delinquents, at the mere exposure to "rock and roll" music.
This is the same right-wing story as in the 50s, but rerun with a different supposed "villain". But sexuality-equality is coming. People will have to either get with it or move aside. You may not be accepting of it, Mike, but your kids WILL be enlightened and freed from your prejudices, and there is nothing that you can do to prevent it.
I meant that if Billy is gay -- which is determined at or before birth AFAIK -- and he is told that gays are abnormal/sinful/dirty, then that is damaging and it might drive him into depression. But if you tell him that being straight or gay are options that are open to anyone, then he is free to discover his own feelings (at whatever age those may come).
You don't believe that it's harmful? Imagine you live in a country where being gay is the norm, and you are forced to choose yourself a same-sex partner, even though you know you can only love women.
Wycliffe's translation says "nether letchouris ayen kynde, nether thei that doon letcheri with men, nether theues, nether auerouse men, nethir `ful of drunkenesse, nether curseris, nether rauenours, schulen welde the kyngdom of God." I believe he and his apprentices worked from the Vulgate, though. It's a funny one—Tyndale's (what the KJV was mostly based off of) translation says "whormongers" and "weaklinges" shall not inherit the kingdom of God... whatever that means.
...but what about the Hebrew part (Leviticus)? The part that says "Thou schalt not be medlid with a man bi letcherie of womman, for it is abhomynacioun."
if you use the real proper and only definition of liberal then yes education that is free and hasnt been put though a filter is the only education since anything else is called indoctrination
and teaching your kids to be intolerant is going to help with that?
Indeed, as Shotglass quoted me. If Leviticus was for parishoners you could wave goodbye to football, playing with pigs bladders is an afront to god y'know...
In response to anyone who says that the bible says that homosexuality is wrong and therefore it should be wrong for everyone: Who cares what the bible says, anyway? Why should everyone be bound to the rules of any religious text?
Definition from Strongs concordance http://www.blueletterbible.org ... m?Strongs=G3120&t=KJV The words effeminate/catemite and homosexual are essentially interchangeable, as is the next line in the passage "nor abusers of themselves with mankind".
Unfortunately no matter how much positive spin you put on it, the bible does say this kind off behaviour is unacceptable for a believer, a follower of christ.
However, (and i can't believe it, but W4H was right on the button). When studying the bible, a basic fundamental principle to follow is to never ever take any scripture out of context. It's also imperative to have a bit of background knowledge concerning, not only the circumstances in which the scripture was written, but also some understanding of the cultural history at that time. But perhaps more importantly, it's best to understand who's writing it and it's intended victim, erm i mean, it's intended reader.
The bible is written by believers for believers. It's not written for the non/un-believing heathen (apparently we're so dumb and unenlightened we could never understand it in a month of sundays).
The passage in question is from a letter sent by the apostle Paul (who incidently was the only new testament patriach to never meet jesus in the flesh, let alone be his disciple, yet he still wrote 3/4's on the NT..) Anyway, Paul wrote the letter to one of the many churches he founded. (The Corinthians was a church in Corinth) So, Paul was saying that's it's bad for christians/the believers/the followers of christ/those in the church of Corinth, to partake in the so-called lewd activities mentioned in that scripture. It's not a message to the whole wide world about whats good and bad.
Remember that the bible has already told us that the un-believers are condemed already, so in one sense it doesn't really matter what we get up to in our spare time, we're going to hell anyway. Remember that there is no 'sin-scale' in the bible. No sin is any worse than any other, whether it be rape, murder, getting drunk or eying up someone who ain't yer wife or husband. Sin is sin according to the bible.
However, it's also important to remember that there will not be one single un-believing heathen sinner in hell because they were a bit gay, or a bit of a murder, or a bit genocidal. The only reason, the ONLY reason an un-believing heathen sinner will end up in hell is for not believing in, not loving, not obeying, and not following jesus. It's the born again, bible believing christians who willingly and unrepentantly partake in the above acts that will end up in hell. Also, lets not forget that the bible tells the believers not to judge, coz it's gods job to do that, not his followers. So any christian who does judge and doesn't sincerly repent, will more than likely go to hell aswell. (if only you christians knew what you've really got youselves into)
In a nutshell, everything written in the bible is written for the believer not the unbeliever. It's essentially a code of conduct, a moral standpoint, a constitution for the believer, not the unbeliever. And it's not a christains job to enforce this code of conduct into other cultures if they wish to reject it. Even the bible tells them not to enforce it.
Unfortunately a lot of believers like to use this percieved moral high ground to look down on the non-believer, it's gives them an ego boost, makes them feel better, and gives them more self-worth....although self righteousness is a sin too...
So my message to all the believers in all the worlds. Go play yer silly little religious games if you want, be happy. But please keep it to your side of the fence, don't tar us with your brush, and if you do want to debate your personal views on life, the universe and everything, please do a little bit of research first to at least try to find out why you believe the things you believe, and what the bible really says, as opposed to what you've been told it says.
So, back on topic, and as W4H has already said, why worry what the bible says about your sexuality if you don't believe a single word that's written in it.
I did not really mean that. I meant that just because the bible of a religion says that something is wrong does not mean that that bible's rules and regulations should be enforced upon everyone.
Unfortunately society likes to pick and mix it's moral and ethical codes, and most of the time it's not too fussy where these ideals come from, be it religion, philosophy, fashion, or even the bloke down the pub who can give you a good tip on the horses.
The problem when extracting certain rules and regulations from religion is it tends to bring it's own moral high ground and it demands respect even though it's unmerited and undeserving. And its usually based on an unprovable and unworkable set of criteria written in ancient manuscripts about one guys personal epiphany. And lets not forget that back in those days communities were much much smaller. And whilst certain rules and regs might work well within these small close knit groups of people, they seldom work on a global scale. Don't know if you know, but Marxism is essentially based on the biblical principles of sharing and caring, sowing and reaping, everyone being equal etc etc. And look what happened to that...
You're right though W4H, why should society enforce these things on us just coz the bible says so. The problems start when these religions gain political power, and before you know it we've got religious communism. It's one thing the wording of the American Constitution in particular was very keen to avoid. But look at how much political might the christians have in 'Middle America' these days. They could actually sway the election either way. It won't be long before we have Monty Python doing "No one expects the American Inquisition" jokes. Repent, give your life to jesus, or we'll invade your country and nick all your oil....
Exactly. The christian bible also says that premarital sex is a sin. But they don't seem to be trying to make it illegal for unmarried people to have sex. You never know what they'll think of next, though.
Yeah, sorry about that, it was a confusing post. I've been down the pub all night, and whilst i'm a strict teetotaler, it would appear i've perfected the art of becoming extremely inebriated via osmosis