if you mean the same guys i've lstened too for various events inc. le mans then thats a definate yes, they are absalutly brilliant and probably could make watching paint drying interesting so they would be perfect for some f1 races

i'd be happy with brundle and davidson as the comentary team (when davidson stood in at short notice that time he was brilliant ), dc i'm not too sure about, i fear he may bring too much bagage with him in terms of old grudges etc. also brundle was (is?) his manager so i'm not sure if that will help the banter or hinder it.
blundell may seem a bit dull, but he does act as a natural foil for the non specialised steve ryder's comments and i'd be happy to see him in a similar role with the bbc though to be honest if you replace allen then i couldn't see why brundle and 1 other cant do their job as well, he managed it quite well with "muddy talker". in fact given how well the "brundell " brothers got on racing at ligier, they could knit into a good commentary team as when they are together they seam to spark off each other and often its the mix thats more important than the individuals.
keep ted and louise, they've been in the pit lane for a while and have forged relationships with individuals and teams, it always amazes me how ted finds out info so quickly off teams and how louise manages to get the comment from the wound up driver after his race fell apart
p.s. anothe good name would be charlie cox, when he did the BTC he always seemed ready to say what he thought, he was a reasonably succesfull driver till his crash and he's got an engaging style though apparently he's tied up with the australian version of top gear