yes true i know many good KBer's so i was speaking in a generality. but the smoothness isn't there i still feel so. and as far as my lap times versus the Kb'er um, what are you talking about? y iran out of gas in race 1 on the last lap in 2nd place, and the 2nd race i was crashed out- by a KBer- which i first accused of ridiculous warping- which would be a better excuse than swerving and not holding a clean line. no offense really to the KB'er involved, who ofcourse i am not naming for it really is irrelevant who it was, just so it was my first observation of a KB racer and how different they were on track than other racers... I only recently started playing at random servers with lots of racers, and the complaints I have seen about new racers, and online wrecking, and nutters are very true.
(at Almost every server i have visited so far) barely a clean lap can be done by the field, the first car and one deep in the field often get away form the start as everyone crashes (first corner red mist?) and in the middle of races, lapped traffic- doesn't want to be lapped, or can't give up the line for a time long enough or in an appropriate place to be passed. So I have been relegated to NorthAmerican server emptiness(-where is everyone?), with the exception of the excellent server at CORE racing- very good racing in the majority, and EAGLE racers, and of course MCPOLICE, with his crazy angry bot racing there all day.
since i have done all the liscence tests and passed on Pro, and beaten the Single plaer Ai on allmost every track in every car on pro, i thought i can race online responsibly and lo and behold the level of madness and varying skill level makes this Nigh impossible to find a good server, or one that has anyone racing and not Drifting- what is it with drifting servers anyway?
I have found like 5 Drift servers packed every night, yet not one full race server they are empty...
but this is why the team was started for more North American RACING, and good clean racing.
I hope to see many of you out there, i apologize for the occasional bump in advance, but I would never intentionally wreck or wreck in retaliation-
that isn't what I do, or what I feel this team is together to do.