The online racing simulator
Quote from ForceRunnner :the page aint working

Read page 13, check my screenshots and download my files. It's the best quality settings IMHO. made by me. Includes Motion Blur and Bloom, with the option to activate the newest version of Depth of Field and SSAO (occlusion). Works with antialiasing. If you're having performance problems, change all "Quality" settings to 2 as specified on my posts or deactivate motion blur. If you have any problem read my posts, I explained everything.

Includes Directx8 to Directx9 conversor.
How to Install: extract everything on the pack in the same folder your LFS.exe is located.
Activating: press Shift + F12 while in-game. Same thing to deactivate.
Depends on what you mean by quality. IMO these were the only settings in this thread worth using for.
This addon really ROX
Veloci é o CARA
Wow thanks for posting this.

Works with a ton of other games to. Warcraft 3 is awesome.
Quote from frokki :Depends on what you mean by quality. IMO these were the only settings in this thread worth using for.

He just changed the settings on Color Correction (by that I mean he used a palette), set an incredibly low value to Bloom and disabled everything else. Anyone can do this on your own monitor or graphics card driver with absolutely no modding, making ENBSeries useless. Also his palette is too yellow, IMO. The game seems strange. I don't even know if he made this palette or just took it from Boris Vorontsov's website and put into his .rar, because Boris has a palette for use in Resident Evil for download on his website that is kind of yellow too. Also he is using the old dll files with old effects and no support for the new effects such as new SSAO, Depth of Field and color corrector settings. My settings are newer and supports the new effects created by Boris.

ENBSeries was made for using effects that you can't achieve usually on the game, like Depth of Field, Motion Blur, SSAO (occlusion), real time reflections, real time water etc (depending of the game), and also includes Color Correction and even more effects. Of course anyone can modify it to fit their likings, their PCs and so on, but I see no point on using a mod to achieve something you can do by simply changing Color Correction settings on the graphics card driver/your own PC monitor with absolutely no performance costs and it will probably get better than Wolf's config.

Quote from pedrotski :Wow thanks for posting this.

Works with a ton of other games to. Warcraft 3 is awesome.

Works well on any directx8 and directx9 game, even some 2D games, as long as they use the .dll's. (But some effects are specific for other games). See Boris Vorontsov's website for more information, he's doing a excellent work specially on GTA San Andreas now.

Quote from Calvinaquino :This addon really ROX
Veloci is THE MAN

Thank you so much

PS: Something about ENBSeries not running on vista: you need a specific directx9 dll which is used by the mod, d3dx9_26.dll . You can download it here
This dll is also necessary for playing FlatOut2 on Windows Vista if you don't have the newer patches. I don't remember if I already said that.
I promised a optimized performance version of my settings and here it is.

+ Config for Shader 2.0
(nVidia 6 series or better and its ATi equivalents)
+ Config for Shader 3.0 (nVidia 7 series or better and its ATi equivalents)
+ Bonus: rework of the first version (fixed some things and now supports optimized Depth of Field). *HIGH QUALITY ONLY*

If you are not going to use depth of field, its recommended that you use shader 2.0 config for better performance.

Remember: Shader 2.0 and Shader 3.0 are the LOW quality version of my settings, for higher performance. Still looking good and pretty good FPS.
I have a XFX 8600GT Alpha Dog, 2GB RAM DDR2 and Pentium Dual Core 2.8Ghz. This high performance version runs at 30~50FPS on 1680x1050 with everything maxed out (highest textures and so on), using antialiasing 16xQ and anisotrophic 16x forced by video drivers. Runs at 68~85FPS with absolutely the same settings, but no antialiasing. (note: Depth of Field not included on these tests)

+ Screenshots of low quality and high quality version attached.
This time the mod already opens activated, no need to press SHIFT + F12. For deactivating, press Shift + F12 or edit enbseries.ini, search for "UseEffect=1" and change this value to 0 and save the file. Shift + F12 for activating it again)

+ Supports optimized Depth of Field
PS: Depth of Field only works with Shader Model 3.0 (nVidia 7xxx or above), and is deactivated by default. For activating, search on file enbseries.ini for "EnableDepthOfField=0" and change it to 1. Warning: recomended to play depth of field without antialiasing or AA 2x.
PS²: If you still think your performance is too low, deactivate motion blur. Open enbseries.ini , find "EnableMotionBlur=1" and change it to 0. Save the file and open the game.

Read my other posts for more information.

Attached images
Attached files
ENBSeries075_Velociround_Shader2.rar - 104.9 KB - 8651 views
ENBSeries075_Velociround_Shader3.rar - 104.9 KB - 7844 views
ENBSeries075_Velociround_High_Quality.rar - 105 KB - 16923 views
Good explainations here.

Ctrl+S for screen shots just gives an error: Could not save surface to file

There seems to be a screenshot key in the .ini

Does this do anything, and what is that key? I've searched and can't convert it. The shift+combo throws me off.
Quote from JasonJ :Good explainations here.

Ctrl+S for screen shots just gives an error: Could not save surface to file

There seems to be a screenshot key in the .ini

Does this do anything, and what is that key? I've searched and can't convert it. The shift+combo throws me off.

If you're talking about my settings, the KeyScreenshot is the printscreen. It saves a screenshot in LFS folder when you press printscreen (the screenshots I attached on my post I took using this feature).
Edit: Ctrl + S doesn't save screenshots here too, same message. I don't know how to fix this thought, but since ENBSeries saves screenshots in the LFS folder using PrintScreen I think it's not a problem anyway.

Shift + combo works perfectly as it should here. I've tested these combos and all of them worked:
[Shift +] R, W, N, P, X, S, O, L, A, S, F.. don't remember any other now.

I can't help if you're using other settings thought since I don't have it for checking.

Key codes attached (I don't know if its up-to-date thought or if anything was changed since then. This is the latest key codes list from Boris)
PS: Keys in enbseries.ini are in Decimal, and keys in key_codes.txt are in HEX format. Use Windows default calculator (scientific) to convert it to DECIMAL. 44 is key 2C (printscreen).
Attached files
key_codes.txt - 7.4 KB - 1122 views
Thanks. That's great info.
This helps me figure out

Sometimes I press keys and the screen goes whacky. This will help thnx.

Now I checked my LFS folder I see where they are now. Cheers.
It's ok, however I had to tone down the motion blur effect a lot because i could not even make out what was being said in the chat
Quote from THE WIZARD DK :I tried the high quality one from you (on 7600GT) and it worked... until i got a crash...(was online for like 2min tops). system tried to restart windows but cant...
error message is:

file damaged or missing : WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\SYSTEM ???????

im not impressed with this message... i must say. although the mod looked nice... but if i need repairs to windows each run ill pas on Bloom..

AA and texturefilter was turned off

This is a problem on your Operational System. It has nothing to do with ENBSeries . It may or may not appear on any Windows NT system. ... spx?scid=kb;EN-US;q307545 ... .public.windowsxp.general
System doesn't start if hive is too large (larger than 10,5MB). That causes this file to get corrupt and windows can't start because it needs 16MB for the startup (that's why hive can't be larger than 10,5MB). It has absolutely nothing to do with ENBSeries Check the links I posted for you, they are all from Microsoft's website and should solve your problem ... ig%2fsystem&mkt=en-us

Good luck. Cheers
Quote from THE WIZARD DK :well lucky me i got 2 pc´s... atm i cannot get in my lfs pc... its totally wacked

but anyhow... mighty fast reply.. Good thing

but my pc is....well..... atm

but it ran fine before i installed the bloom thingy ? i dont get it then... does it remove dx .dll from registry?

Well I have just read things about it on Microsoft's website and everyone there says the same thing.. I've never seen this error before

ENBSeries doesn't change anything on system folders, and it also doesn't change the registry nor it includes itself on the registry. Here's how it works:
the programs (executables) that uses directx always verifies for directx (and other kind of) dll's on its own folder, and then use the system dll's for loading directx and so on. If there's nothing on its folder, it just loads system's directx dlls. If there's a dll on its folder, it loads both system and custom dll.

The difference between the dll on the game folder and the dll on the system folder is that the game's one is exclusive. This means it is only used by that game/program, and the remain of the system uses the system ones. Race Driver GRID for example has the d3dx9_37.dll included in its folder by default, this means that this specific dll will be only used by GRID, and if any other game needs it, it will search on the system folder for it instead of using GRID's one. I hope that make sense

Well if you want I can upload my system file for you but I don't know if it would solve the problem I have Windows XP Home Edition here (OEM).
I found another tutorial, this time with much more options for fixing the problem, I hope it helps ... m_missing_or_corrupt.html

Quote from THE WIZARD DK :i dont even get to admin password before it crashes... cant boot into it!! blue screen appears. :
PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA : please restart comp, and bla bla bla , when doing so it does the same... circle in the sand

Have you tried boot from Windows CD?

Quote from THE WIZARD DK :sevaral times now...

trying from mainboard disc...nothing!!!!

oh my graphic card cd went to windows 98 ?

start computer with cd rom support... heck why not...

hm got to bios restore point... more than b4..

somthing happent. storing updated firmware image...
BIOS recovered... update succesful

need a command for A:\> what do i write here?

I'm sorry I really don't know.

Quote from THE_WIZARD_DK :2 days later its up and running again... got so mad i had to buy a new

Stroboscopic effect on rims
Hey guys... Anybody knows how put some stroboscopic effect in rotation of rims??? I'd want a more real game, but I don't know how put it on enbseries.ini or if it's possible... HELP! Thanks!
That stroboscopic effect comes from frame rate, It happens on my screen all the time, even the tire treads look like they are spinning backwards sometimes.

All you need is a good graphics card that can render high framerates all the time and cap it at 60-70fps, that will give you the stroboscopic effect
Sure... But in maximum graphic quality possible in game, together with bloom effects, I run in a tax about 90 fps, minimum of 60 fps in a 10 car AI race. I'd like a effect how Gran Turismo 3 or 4... maybe the lfs Bloom didn't make that, but is possible with other form, example, changing or adding new rim textures, how some cars on racer... I'm new on LFS, and I like it much more than Racer. So, someone know how do the effect how GT3 or 4 (or 5)?? Thx!
I don't said on last message, but I'd like a rim effect how a smooth disc, according to the rotational speed (real life effect)... Thx!
Quote from Decoheuter :I don't said on last message, but I'd like a rim effect how a smooth disc, according to the rotational speed (real life effect)... Thx!

Sorry, but no mod can actually do that.. it would require much more effort and would need to be done specifically for every game, and could be very buggy...
Post here if you have any further questions
Não mano, ta dez! Valeu... (All right buddy, thx!)
No way, 1-2 fps when it is ~200 without effects. What's wrong? 8600GT here (512mb).
Quote from Shadowww :No way, 1-2 fps when it is ~200 without effects. What's wrong? 8600GT here (512mb).

Which config did you try? Since there are a lot of enbseries configs in this thread..
If you tried mine, try using the shader 2.0 performance version, and if you still have problems, disable motion blur on enbseries.ini.
I have a 8600GT here too (256MB), I tested all the configs I made on 1680x1050, AA8x and AF16x and I don't have any problems using any of the configurations (I tested all of them on patch U, U35, V, W, X, Y, Y24, Y25, Z, Z3, Z4 and Z5 and they work without problems, altought I usually play with AA2x and AF16x using high quality settings)
I can even record videos using ... s and still have high fps
But disabling motion blur in any configuration will make your fps a lot higher anyway... the difference here is about ~96fps (I use fps limiter in the game) without motion blur and ~45fps with motion blur (using high quality settings)
(1 activate/0 deactivate)

I hope this helps
Can you post the files of the bloom that you used in that video?
This one is similar to that and makes use of the Over-saturation to get the bloom high where there is heavy light, but not that annoying "fogginess" were it should look normal. The whole scene is not flooded with bloom light, just mainly the sky when you stare into it and high reflective surfaces.


Pay particular attention to the last one where the clouds at the tunnel's end are not so intense when outside the tunnel.

This one uses Shift-Backspace to toggle. Motion Blur is also disabled. Oh, and chat text is still easy to read. If you want this type, but like just a little less bloom, adjust BloomMaxLimit=100 to something like BloomMaxLimit=75
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Attached files - 122.7 KB - 996 views
thanks, but i wasnt sure if you posted this one in the thread so.......sorry

Bloom lighting addon for LFS
(615 posts, started )