Actually I would be for increasing the dev team. Basically, adding 3 more people would reduce the development time by 2.
Of course, the development cost would be higher, but as suggested in another thread, selling the track banners as advertising space would create a base source of income, which would mean the devs' wealth would not be only linked to subscribers. Finally, new content in LFS will touch enthusiasts of this particular content and will result in new subscribers.
If the development goes faster, then you will have new enthusiasts faster.
Just look at how many new people have joined the LFS community since drift started to appear. Just my 2 cents, but I've learned about LFS by searching drift game or drift simulation on the web. I could discover its content and enjoy the thrill of racing which I only do now.
So basically, while Scavier develops some features, a new dev member/team could work on new content (such as Oval racing or Drag racing) and attract new customers, like Grampa Bubba J said (no offense, just a joke grampa

). More income for the devs.
Additional members to the dev team will be mandatory at one time or another, because they are now starting working on more complex stuff, which will take longer to develop. And as most of the new customers come when LFS is patched, this will delay the time between each wave of massive subscription. So, more devs will reduce this time, and make the new dev income less random.