Well, I never said that your car is absolutely crap, so?

Well, diesel fuel quality has improved over the years. ULSD (Ultra low sulphur diesel) is getting more widespread, and BP is already giving a special higher than usual cetane version of diesel. The "magic" additive? High quality biodiesel.

I'm quite aware that quite a few people already run 108 Octane fuel for their daily drivers. For petrolheads who tune the shit out of their engines. Would any of those high performance engines work as well as designed without at least PULP (PREMIUM Unleaded Petrol)? Of course not. Just that I've not seen anyone tune diesel engines for high cetane use yet. The results would be interesting to say the least. Fact is, I'm as some of you already know am quite familiar with the 4D56. I can guarantee that they CAN rev all the way to 6000rpm without internal damage. The only problem is that normal 40-45 cetane diesel they're designed to run on simply doesn't burn quickly and efficiently enough to make good power at say 5000rpm. Would be fun to have some 55-60 cetane fuel to experiment with and of course a good 4D56 as a testbed. As for problems such as high EGTs (exhaust gas temperatures), a freer flowing exhaust and improved cooling would fix that. BTW, they already come with heavy duty oil coolers in OEM form too, since they were originally from trucks meant to be worked LONG and HARD. Potential powerbands of say 2000-5800rpm is no joke.
In case you're all wondering:
Bore: 91.1mm
Stroke: 95mm
So in terms of mean piston speed, it's still well under control at 6000rpm.
Well, the usual cetane in europe these days is now 51 cetane, so it's way better than it was.
Look forward to running a fair race between the 2 of us someday, EeekiE!