Drugs feel good at the time, eventually, the bad feelings + depression + etc you feel now, times it by 10.... ..maybe 100 times worse.
Dude you need to find an out. Just something that takes your mind off everything and makes ya smile. Something that really gets your heart beating. Get your priorities straight man. Aim for something in life and push for it. Stuff the social expectations in life.. going good in school, getting a good job, having a family whatever man. Don't think about others, and at the same time, don't really think "I don't care what people think of me", because deep down, you will. Just go about doing your own thing and whatever makes you smile at the end of the day.
I'm 18 years old man and Ive seen everything and been through alot. Things i haven't experienced yet, looking after kids, buying a house for my family etc, but ive experienced ALOT. If you want to know what, add my msn we can talk, but il tell you here on the forums the best thing to do is just focus on something in life you love doing and just do it. It clears your mind, it loosens you out, you feel better and more calm, you talk to people so much better and things just start "flowing".
Its not that brief and simple though, that's all id get into over a public forum.