itsPhilthy`s -.- Showroom
(159 posts, started )
I am looz, 8gb flash is enought for me
BTW, A-Data USB sticks really sucks, they are slow and they broke quite alot.
I had A-Data, but now i have 8gb OCZ and 2gb Corsair. Both are really good.
Quote from e2mustang :The exact same thing happened to me about 2 weeks ago,but i bought a new hdd,just to keep all my files.

I know how u feel i felt the same way when i needed to buy a new pc quik caus my pc back in the summerdays crashed with al my work on it

Without a single waring the intire inside was al burned and smely
Later I found out the cooling just gave up to me in an instand

So for my bleack skinpack redesigns one of them i actualy have to do it over again caus its gone
Sent You PM , hope that You will answer .
My new Garage
Attached images
Garage 1,21h.jpg
Quote from Bose321 :That's nice, where did you get that?

its my new garage after a lost my old u can see i used parts from the often used garage scene you can find here on the forum...the walls are made by me...(its a simple cube) and the stairs are taken from another scene i found....thinks like chairs and tables you can find here: everything can be used and edited but not reselled.....

thats it....
Btw , You could use this scene for my pack , almost all cars on one scene - excellent ^^
Gruntslug Racing Team
Attached images
GS T4 bad look 40min gi bäh.jpg
Holy lord , damn nice ones

Keep up the good work Phil
any chance of a render with the garage scene ?

its perfect for what i need !
and i love your work

thanks in advance

Attached images
post that in the 'render my skin' thread, stop beggin
will do !
That is just sick Phil ! I get new backround with You're every new render :/ , must get some more LCD's i think .

Really remarkable work, keep it up !

If You will practice, You could do one UFR only one too in def size (1280x1024).

Best Regards, Kirill.D.
Thanks everyone

Here is another Skin by Kirill.D.
and a test of a podium scene
Attached images
QM EMV 1.jpg
QM EMV 2.jpg
Podium test 2.jpg
The podium looks great, very nicely done.

Nice job on the engine in the FXO aswell. All it needs is the rest of the lights modeled so they don't look flat.

Keep up the good work.
FXO Update
some more modifications on the FXO...lights will be updated soon...
and of course i am interested in everthing i can get
Attached images
FXO 2.jpg
Okay its a different scene tho but HERE it is
Phil is doing awesome renders
Oh... holy crap ?

I just got something for gallery

This is really many times better than i expected, awesome !

Only bug that i found on the podium render, is that 3rd place is higher than 2nd .
fixed podium:
Attached images
Podium test 3.jpg
Oh hell yea :d

itsPhilthy`s -.- Showroom
(159 posts, started )