Love living in the Highlands, get incidents like this
Found this story on the BBC, and it was in the local papers today too.

Quote :Cow and horse revellers in fight

Two men - one dressed as a cow and the other as a horse - were involved a fight among a group of people which left one man requiring treatment.

Police described the incident near the Farmers Showfield in Nairn, in the Highlands, as a "serious altercation".

Northern Constabulary said at one stage the fight spilled on to the A96 road and disrupted the flow of traffic.

One man was detained in hospital overnight following the incident, which happened early on Saturday morning.

Straw hat

Police said: "Two of the men were in fancy dress outfits.

"One was dressed as a cow wearing a brown hat and the other as a horse wearing a straw hat. Both of these men are described as stocky/heavily built.

"As a result of this incident, one man was conveyed to Raigmore Hospital where he was detained overnight. His injuries are not life-threatening."

Northern Constabulary is appealing for witnesses.

It's would be far easier to find these culprits if they told us the colour of the horse and cow, as I'm sure they have managed a change of hat !

Although to be honest, I would love to see the Crimewatch reconstruction
Hahah, Crimewatch would be hilarious.

How come they're looking for the agressive farm animals instead of finding the people involved? :o
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Hahah, Crimewatch would be hilarious.

How come they're looking for the agressive farm animals instead of finding the people involved? :o

never been to the Highlands then?
#4 - 5haz
What on Earth were they fighting over I wonder?
Quote from 5haz :What on Earth were they fighting over I wonder?

One took something from the other. It was the last straw...
#8 - 5haz

*buum* buum*