Poll : Did Lewis Hamilton deserve this title? (i do) :P

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Dont know
Quote from Gills4life :I am not a fanboy of hamilton, i do like him a lot and i feel sorry for him the way that the media sometimes make him come across arrogant or bigheaded. IMO he deserved it more than any other driver this season.

I was just reading a forum on the Sun's website about whether hamilton deserved the championship and it is really REALLY annoying reading all the people's comments who clearly have no idea about what actually happened calling the race a "fix". So many people just assume that Glock slowed down for him. Took his foot off the gas. Think he was the only person on slicks in the wet. They haven't even bothered to look at the facts and see the lap times. If Glock slowed down on that last lap then why the hell was he faster than Trulli, the only other driver on slicks. It's a pisstake. Really getting on my nerves, and these are british people... why are so many people against hamilton, a british driver, winning the world championship? What has he done so wrong? Is it a crime that he has a lot of talent which not many other people have?

It just seems like jealousy to me.

because in this country we build people up, just to knock them down again.
im surprised we havnt done it with the olympic guys n gals who did so well.
its the one thing i hate about this nation of ours, and i do admire the way the americans support their countrymen and women when they do well.......even if they do take it to the extreme, but good on 'em!

as for DC staggy, sad to see him go.......ive met him several times and i would rate him as the most "fan friendly" F1 driver. top guy, but he did the right thing and retired when he should have, but he deserved a better race to finish on...........(but you are soooooo wrong about lewis!!)
Quote from PaulC2K :I think your mis-enterpreting what im saying, otherwise how is saying that Lewis cant hide behind a small budget, mid-pack expectation team's car as the reason for doing 'ok' in a race considered giving him an excuse. He's got everything available to challenge for wins, and so really when he doesnt then people generally question why he wasnt faster, they dont say 'oh well, he's only in a BMW/TR, he did the best he could' because people know what its capable of and he's expected to fight for the win, just as both the Ferrari boys are.

If Kubica is so great, why wasnt he consistantly pushing for wins, the BMW is far from crap, infact i was reading yesterday was the first time in 2 seasons where they havent picked up a point, they're in the 3rd best team by a fair distance and were on a really challenging pace at the start of the season, but they were gifted 1 win, while Renault won twice and TR won once. Kubica picked up reasonable points here and there, Lewis & Massa faught for the title, Kubica found himself in with a chance, but only by their misfortune. We havent seen anything of Kubica to say he's a great racer, he hasnt really been involved with the top racers, blame the car all you like, but until he's in a car that can challenge for a title and he's able to race an earn wins by beating the best, how can anyone say he's a better driver or deserves to win anything.
Bobby deserved 4th, he wasnt screwed by the FIA, wasnt rammed off the track by a rival unable to accept he was being fairly passed, and he finished 4th. I highly, highly doubt he's the best driver in F1, he's maybe the 5th best, so he's got more than he deserves IMO. Alonso is a far better driver, but he doesnt deserve anything more than he got, he is where he is, in a worse car than the BMW, got better 'left-over' results, but im sure he doesnt expect consider himself deserving of much more than he got.

He's done well, but he certainly doesnt deserve to win the title this year, theres no pity points in F1, no points for trying, and rightly theres no title of World drivers he did well considering the car he's in Champion. Maybe he was the best driver given the circumstances, im not sure, plenty of drivers have done well considering the car they're in, Glock being one who's been overlooked (though the moany sods will dismiss him as being the sole reason Lewis is WDC and thus crap). Theres plenty of good young talent in F1 at the moment, but if you put all of them in an identical car, im betting that Lewis would come out on top 8 times out of 10, i think only Schumi would be able to consistantly beat him at the moment.
Considering in his first season he should have won the title, and the 2nd season he did, i think its quite possible that we'll enter another dull Schumi-type period in F1 when things become predictable. If he's currently making mistakes and should have won titles both seasons then god help everyone when he stops making them.

1) You clearly haven't been watching f1 for long.
2) Massa had the title won easy before brazil if it wasn't due to team related problems.
3) Hamilton would be best if put in equal car? Then how did Vettel pass him and nearly passed Massa in the dry during the race Massa is nearly invincible on all with a car that has half the amount spent on it as a Force-India?
4) Kubicas consistency should deserve something but its clear hes car was too crap to match the top guns.
5) In terms of pace by the last race BMW were easily 5th or even 6th
(1.Ferrari/mclaren, 3.Renault, 4. Toyota, 5. Torro Rosso/ BMW)
Quote from Mustafur :1) You clearly haven't been watching f1 for long.
2) Massa had the title won easy before brazil if it wasn't due to team related problems.
3) Hamilton would be best if put in equal car? Then how did Vettel pass him and nearly passed Massa in the dry during the race Massa is nearly invincible on all with a car that has half the amount spent on it as a Force-India?
4) Kubicas consistency should deserve something but its clear hes car was too crap to match the top guns.
5) In terms of pace by the last race BMW were easily 5th or even 6th
(1.Ferrari/mclaren, 3.Renault, 4. Toyota, 5. Torro Rosso/ BMW)

You're seriously not telling me, Massa is a better driving then Hamilton.... That's bullshit, have you not seen the stats? Hamilton has done something like 30races and has a win percent of 25%, Massa's win percentage is like 3% or something. He's shit, face it. You can peddle all the excuses you want, but nothing can change the fact that Hamilton is a better driver, and he'll win another championship for sure. You can't change what has happened, so why try and change it in others perspectives? I was neutral through the whole race, but happened to just support Hamilton as a reaction. I think it's just jealousy that Hamilton is someone you dislike, and as a result his fans are in the glory and people like you, are not. Ok, you're not as a bad as the rest of these Hammihaters Mustafur, but you're getting there. Just let it go, the fact Massa is in a Ferrari is probobly why he didn't win the championship. Therefore, he never will. Kimi is faster than him, that's a fact. Sure, I don't know wtf Kimi is doing, as his consistancy is worse than Sutil's (but at least he STAYED in one place) but Kimi is faster than Massa, Kimi won the last title. Does this say anything to you? Massa will not get another shot at the title, it's over for him. Seriously. There are so many penalties Massa should have faced, the Fuji crash just shows how shit Massa really is. If someone did that to you in an LFS-league, I doubt you show them any respect. One thing Hamilton fans are not. Hypo-critical.

Edit : I also get the impression people are bitter towards Hamilton because he joined F1 in the fastest car. What I don't understand is why. He has worked hard to get into McLaren, people don't seem to realise that. He was good, that's why McLaren invested in him. That's why he has won their first world title in what, almost 10 years? (9 to be exact) Quit with the jealousy, sh-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
Quote from Mustafur :1) You clearly haven't been watching f1 for long.
2) Massa had the title won easy before brazil if it wasn't due to team related problems.
3) Hamilton would be best if put in equal car? Then how did Vettel pass him and nearly passed Massa in the dry during the race Massa is nearly invincible on all with a car that has half the amount spent on it as a Force-India?
4) Kubicas consistency should deserve something but its clear hes car was too crap to match the top guns.
5) In terms of pace by the last race BMW were easily 5th or even 6th
(1.Ferrari/mclaren, 3.Renault, 4. Toyota, 5. Torro Rosso/ BMW)

1) Correct, 1989 isnt that long i guess. Only missing a couple of live races, dont think ive missed a Japanese GP etc 6am start from the age of about 12 onwards, im just a johnny come lately i am.

2) Really? Thats disgraceful, maybe he should have asked the FIA for help in that department too? Funny how all the things he's done wrong have all been insignificantly penalised or pale in comparison to a fair penalty. Like intentionally driving into a rival who'd just passed him, or giving him a S-G in a race which was already over for him for a TEAM error, but not giving him a penalty which would have lost him the race win and given it to Lewis when it was HIS error. Crap car issues is something he should take up with the people paying his wages.
Just think, if the FIA could have gifted him more decisions/points unfairly, or he didnt spin FIVE times round Silverstone in a single race, maybe he would have won it

3a) Kubica insisting he must unlap himself to acheive sweet FA except cause lewis to leave the ideal racing line and gift Vettel the chance to pass.
3b) Lewis was on a low DF setting and heavy with fuel, Vettel wasnt. Hardly equal comparisons.

4) He can have the 'most consistant but unfortunately not in a competitive enough car but if he was then maybe he'd challenge for something rather than having to settle for the scraps the big boys leave him' award. I'll happily present it to him.
Kubica could also have taken 3rd place in the standings ahead of the former F1WDC if it wasnt for the stupid decision to put slicks on for a wet race, and for that he can have the 'I made a stupid decision that cost me 3rd overall' award too if that pleases you. Is that deserving enough?

5) By pace in Brazil.... Funny really considering they've had far better results in all the other rounds, but hey, that must be the teams fault right? Couldnt possibly be the drivers to blame
If you actually checked things, you'd find that their pace hasnt really changed all that significantly, the first half of the season they were qualifying in the same places they were in the second half of the season.
Kubica failed to finish more races in the 2nd half, yet almost certainly picked up more points in that period, Heidfeld was the same, but roughly equal points in either half. So what does that say if the results suggest that they had better results when your suggesting they were mid-pack at best towards the end of the year? It suggests your going off 1 race where Kubica sucked and then decide to start the parade lap on Slicks before sense kicked in and he swapped while the lights went green.

So id say your probably not the best person to judge something are you
Mustafur = pwnd
Quote from BlueFlame :You're seriously not telling me, Massa is a better driving then Hamilton.... That's bullshit, have you not seen the stats? Hamilton has done something like 30races and has a win percent of 25%, Massa's win percentage is like 3% or something. He's shit, face it. You can peddle all the excuses you want, but nothing can change the fact that Hamilton is a better driver, and he'll win another championship for sure. You can't change what has happened, so why try and change it in others perspectives? I was neutral through the whole race, but happened to just support Hamilton as a reaction. I think it's just jealousy that Hamilton is someone you dislike, and as a result his fans are in the glory and people like you, are not. Ok, you're not as a bad as the rest of these Hammihaters Mustafur, but you're getting there. Just let it go, the fact Massa is in a Ferrari is probobly why he didn't win the championship. Therefore, he never will. Kimi is faster than him, that's a fact. Sure, I don't know wtf Kimi is doing, as his consistancy is worse than Sutil's (but at least he STAYED in one place) but Kimi is faster than Massa, Kimi won the last title. Does this say anything to you? Massa will not get another shot at the title, it's over for him. Seriously. There are so many penalties Massa should have faced, the Fuji crash just shows how shit Massa really is. If someone did that to you in an LFS-league, I doubt you show them any respect. One thing Hamilton fans are not. Hypo-critical.

Edit : I also get the impression people are bitter towards Hamilton because he joined F1 in the fastest car. What I don't understand is why. He has worked hard to get into McLaren, people don't seem to realise that. He was good, that's why McLaren invested in him. That's why he has won their first world title in what, almost 10 years? (9 to be exact) Quit with the jealousy, sh-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet

Never blow out bs percentage win ratio agiasnt a driver who has had half hes career in a mid field team.

Im not saying Massa is better, hes had more oportunities then lewis to rap this up, he lost 20 points easily from things that could of been easily avoided.and well over 20 that were just ridiculous mistakes(namely the first 2 GPs).

Quote me were i say wining the world championship means your the best driver, it means you had the best overall package(Car and Driver but not Driver only).

What i am saying is the Ferrari was better then the Mclaren hence making hamiltons job more difficult then Massas but in saying that i say hes not head and shoulders above the rest, infact i say there are some that are just as good if not better.
Imo the best Driver on the grid is Vettel.

And the Fuji crash is still nothing(not saying it wasn't a noob mistake though so dont take out of context) and will not even be in the same league as the montreal incident, which yes was this season so it can be included here.
Quote from PaulC2K :1) Correct, 1989 isnt that long i guess. Only missing a couple of live races, dont think ive missed a Japanese GP etc 6am start from the age of about 12 onwards, im just a johnny come lately i am.

2) Really? Thats disgraceful, maybe he should have asked the FIA for help in that department too? Funny how all the things he's done wrong have all been insignificantly penalised or pale in comparison to a fair penalty. Like intentionally driving into a rival who'd just passed him, or giving him a S-G in a race which was already over for him for a TEAM error, but not giving him a penalty which would have lost him the race win and given it to Lewis when it was HIS error. Crap car issues is something he should take up with the people paying his wages.
Just think, if the FIA could have gifted him more decisions/points unfairly, or he didnt spin FIVE times round Silverstone in a single race, maybe he would have won it

3a) Kubica insisting he must unlap himself to acheive sweet FA except cause lewis to leave the ideal racing line and gift Vettel the chance to pass.
3b) Lewis was on a low DF setting and heavy with fuel, Vettel wasnt. Hardly equal comparisons.

4) He can have the 'most consistant but unfortunately not in a competitive enough car but if he was then maybe he'd challenge for something rather than having to settle for the scraps the big boys leave him' award. I'll happily present it to him.
Kubica could also have taken 3rd place in the standings ahead of the former F1WDC if it wasnt for the stupid decision to put slicks on for a wet race, and for that he can have the 'I made a stupid decision that cost me 3rd overall' award too if that pleases you. Is that deserving enough?

5) By pace in Brazil.... Funny really considering they've had far better results in all the other rounds, but hey, that must be the teams fault right? Couldnt possibly be the drivers to blame
If you actually checked things, you'd find that their pace hasnt really changed all that significantly, the first half of the season they were qualifying in the same places they were in the second half of the season.
Kubica failed to finish more races in the 2nd half, yet almost certainly picked up more points in that period, Heidfeld was the same, but roughly equal points in either half. So what does that say if the results suggest that they had better results when your suggesting they were mid-pack at best towards the end of the year? It suggests your going off 1 race where Kubica sucked and then decide to start the parade lap on Slicks before sense kicked in and he swapped while the lights went green.

So id say your probably not the best person to judge something are you

I still fail to see how someone who has been watching the sport since 89 can compare the career starts of Shumi and Senna to Hamilton.

Ok then what if Shumi and Senna were given a Williams in thier first season what then?

and your comments about BMW make me lol to be honest, after montreal they were never even close to the top 2 and were deeply trenched with Toyota and Renault. Yet they still managed to score soo many points(Kubica consistency for you).

The fact is, this is the closest season of formula 1 by how close front pack is to the back pack hence why it seems that by lap times and so forth it seems the victorys are marginal.

Im not going by one race here as you can see
IMO Hamiltons career as of now can be compared to only one person and that is Jacques Villeneuve.

its highly likely though next year will get rid of that.
I can't believe this is still going.

Nothing can change the Historical fact that Hamilton and Massa were on almost equal terms, and Hamilton came out better off with the help of a little bit of incredible luck.

Just because you and your team are fast doesn't mean you deserve the title, luck plays an important part as well.

Perhaps then they should just get rid of the race and have a 2 hour long qualifying session, in which the fastest time wins the event? Saying that the fastest team is entitles to the title is rather daft I'm afraid.

Quote from Mustafur :

Imo the best Driver on the grid is Vettel.

Hah I wonder why your saying that, is it because he took 5th place of your arch enemy Hamilton?

Quote from BlueFlame :You're seriously not telling me, Massa is a better driving then Hamilton.... That's bullshit, have you not seen the stats? Hamilton has done something like 30races and has a win percent of 25%, Massa's win percentage is like 3% or something. He's shit, face it.

Do remember that Massa started off the first year or two of his F1 career in a Sauber, not exactly a fast car at the time.

Massa is not shit, perhaps he used to be a bit naff, but this year he has transformed into a genuine threat, but I think like Hamilton he has bad days, and too many bad days such as Silverstone this year will cost the championship.
Quote from 5haz :I can't believe this is still going.

Nothing can change the Historical fact that Hamilton and Massa were on almost equal terms, and Hamilton came out better off with the help of a little bit of incredible luck.

Just because you and your team are fast doesn't mean you deserve the title, luck plays an important part as well.

Perhaps then they should just get rid of the race and have a 2 hour long qualifying session, in which the fastest time wins the event? Saying that the fastest team is entitles to the title is rather daft I'm afraid.

Agree and as i said before is the reason i watch F1
Quote from Mustafur :Agree and as i said before is the reason i watch F1

Then why are you crying your eyes out?

Some bad luck meant your worst enemy Hamilton won the championship?

So you compare Hamilton's career to Villeneuve, I guess that will mean he will go to America and win the IRL and Indy 500, and then develop a bald spot and release an album that nobody will buy?
Quote from 5haz :I can't believe this is still going.

Nothing can change the Historical fact that Hamilton and Massa were on almost equal terms, and Hamilton came out better off with the help of a little bit of incredible luck.

Just because you and your team are fast doesn't mean you deserve the title, luck plays an important part as well.

Perhaps then they should just get rid of the race and have a 2 hour long qualifying session, in which the fastest time wins the event? Saying that the fastest team is entitles to the title is rather daft I'm afraid.

Hah I wonder why your saying that, is it because he took 5th place of your arch enemy Hamilton?

Do remember that Massa started off the first year or two of his F1 career in a Sauber, not exactly a fast car at the time.

Massa is not shit, perhaps he used to be a bit naff, but this year he has transformed into a genuine threat, but I think like Hamilton he has bad days, and too many bad days such as Silverstone this year will cost the championship.

Nope Vettels season put together will seem more radical in the years to come trust me, Torro Rosso were the slowest car on the grid coming into Monaco remember.
Since then Vettel has reaked of consistency and amazing ''wtf how can he do that'' moments in a car that is still rubbish when you think about it.

The last race didn't really do much other then confirm this.
Quote from 5haz :Then why are you crying your eyes out?

Some bad luck meant your worst enemy Hamilton won the championship?

So becuase everything i say isn't postive about hamilton means im anti-Hamilton? RIGHT

Im not crying my eyes out i was just posting agiasnt something i thought was stupid and i got an epic fight against me

I insist you read before you comment.
Quote from Mustafur :So becuase everything i say isn't postive about hamilton means im anti-Hamilton? RIGHT

Im not crying my eyes out i was just posting agiasnt something i thought was stupid and i got an epic fight against me

I insist you read before you comment.

From what I see, you are insisting Massa should have won the championship?

Unfortunately, circumstances meant that Calamilton finished 5th and so has enough points to be a deserving champion, maybe next time Massa.

The thing is, its not the best man who wins, its the luckiest.
Quote from 5haz :From what I see, you are insisting Massa should have won the championship?

Unfortunately, circumstances meant that Calamilton finished 5th and so has enough points to be a deserving champion, maybe next time Massa.

Original comment after the race:
Quote from Mustafur :I have Expressed it time and time agian im not a fan of hamilton and i didn't really want him to win today but DAMN, That was the most exiting finish to a f1 season in history of the sport, i dont care what you think when a season is decided on the last corner on the last lap of the race that is mind blowing.

Lewis had a terrible race and vettel made it worse for him, when vettel passed i almost flipped it was soo exiting but when glock got passed my heart sunk but then i realised there has never been a finish that good and for that i say Hamilton deserves the title and i respect him for it, The guy with the most points wins and he sure did that today and good on him.

2008 season has been nearly ruined by all the controversys but the race today was soo incredible i have found why i think F1 is the best sport in the world, it was just incredible

Both drivers deserved the title today, and really it didn't matter who won imo.

Best season of F1 i have watched in my entire life.

Quote from Mustafur :1) You clearly haven't been watching f1 for long.
2) Massa had the title won easy before brazil if it wasn't due to team related problems.
3) Hamilton would be best if put in equal car? Then how did Vettel pass him and nearly passed Massa in the dry during the race Massa is nearly invincible on all with a car that has half the amount spent on it as a Force-India?

Quote from Mustafur :Nope Vettels season put together will seem more radical in the years to come trust me, Torro Rosso were the slowest car on the grid coming into Monaco remember.
Since then Vettel has reaked of consistency and amazing ''wtf how can he do that'' moments in a car that is still rubbish when you think about it.

The last race didn't really do much other then confirm this.

how "rubbish" was the Toro Rosso~? it's basically the same as a Red Bull, with a more powerful Ferrari engine...

it's still the 5th or 6th fastest cars out there most of the time (after they got their "new" cars from Red Bull), and that goes along with plenty of excellent drives from Vettel... but Bourdais didn't do too badly either, other than his bad luck (off the start at Monza when he qualified 3rd) and some highly arguable for penalty (Fuji...)
Quote from JCTK :how "rubbish" was the Toro Rosso~? it's basically the same as a Red Bull, with a more powerful Ferrari engine...

it's still the 5th or 6th fastest cars out there most of the time (after they got their "new" cars from Red Bull), and that goes along with plenty of excellent drives from Vettel... but Bourdais didn't do too badly either, other than his bad luck (off the start at Monza when he qualified 3rd) and some highly arguable for penalty (Fuji...)

and how does a red bull fair up agaisnt a Mclaren or Ferrari?
Quote from 5haz :

My original comment was based on the race.

Remember Should and Deserved are different.
Quote from Mustafur :and how does a red bull fair up agaisnt a Mclaren or Ferrari?

note the 2nd part of my sentence.
but as far as I could remember, it was only Monza in the rain where they were faster than both, and Brazil where it was faster than the McLaren (well Lewis was being far TOO careful which actually became kinda risky, and Heikki was just useless as usual, but that's done and dusted)

Vettel still get my vote for the driver of the year, but just that the Toro Rosso isn't as rubbish as u think it is.
Quote from BlueFlame :You're seriously not telling me, Massa is a better driving then Hamilton.... That's bullshit, have you not seen the stats? Hamilton has done something like 30races and has a win percent of 25%, Massa's win percentage is like 3% or something.

Why do people pull stats straight out of their arse?

Massa has 11 wins in 106 GP, which is 10.4%. If we only count the 3 years he's had in a race-winning car then that becomes 11 wins in 53 races, which is then 20.8%.

Hamilton as you quite rightly say has 9 wins in 35 races, giving him a win percentage of 25.7%.

Massa might not have the supreme natural skill of Hamilton but he makes up for it by putting in the effort to imrove himself.
Quote from JCTK :note the 2nd part of my sentence.
but as far as I could remember, it was only Monza in the rain where they were faster than both, and Brazil where it was faster than the McLaren (well Lewis was being far TOO careful which actually became kinda risky, and Heikki was just useless as usual, but that's done and dusted)

Vettel still get my vote for the driver of the year, but just that the Toro Rosso isn't as rubbish as u think it is.

But you have to be Amazed at the fact it was the slowest car of the season for the first 5 races.
It was still faster than the Force India and was a year old remember, it's not the same car.
Quote from count.bazley :It was still faster than the Force India and was a year old remember, it's not the same car.

nope, force india was faster

and true, but in the whole complex of things its very unique.