Hi, fellow LFS drivers out there, it seems that the XBox 360 Controller is fairly popular among the racers out there who can not afford a [good] wheel!
I have searched around this forum about the controller, and finally pieced together a solution, i just want the next newb that comes around to have an easier time with this game pad...
so i am going to make a thread to sum it all up!
now first of all, by reading this thread you probably realize by now, the original microsoft driver is utter, complete, rubbish! time to get you a new driver!
but to start, you have to have the microsoft driver installed
when your finished, follow this link and download the XBCD 1.07 software:
after you downloaded it, go ahead and run the exe
Then download this packet to patch in some missing files so your computer recognizes the driver!
unzip that packet then run install.bat
go to the start menu and right click on my computer
go to properties
go to hardware tab
go to device manager
expand "XBOX 360 Peripherals"
right click "xbox 360 controller for windows"
click update driver
select "install from a list or a specific location"
select "don't search, i will choose the driver to install"
select"XBOX 360 GAME PAD" and then click next
when a popup ask about driver certificates, ignore it and click "continue anyways"
restart your computer and you are good!
now, open setup utility in "all programs/XBCD"[/COLOR]
now in the setup utility...
For separate triggers on the XBox360 Controller:
LT- slider(-)
RT- RZ (-)
For the analog sticks:
Left analog stick: set deadzone to 18, because anything larger would make your analog stick bi-polar!
Right analog stick: no deadzone, and have the 2 axises be on one axis
so that up=right, down= left; you will see why in a sec
set rumble to 80, i find anything harder will make you loose blood to ur hands
and get blood accumulation somewhere else *wink**wink*
now, to have this properly saved, just click "apply" THEN save... or else you would not have saved your settings
now that you have the controller configured...
go into the game and you can set the control scheme!
here is a setup that i find very effective!
X- horn
A- ebrake
B- personal message
Y- personal message
start- ignition
select- Car Reset
left analog stick(side to side)- steering
right analog stick- clutch
back- look back
left- look left
right- look right
up- a personal message synonymous with "get the hell out of my way, n00b!"
left shoulder- shift down
right shoulder- shift up
this way, when you have to pull ebrake or ignite car... you can reach the button while you have the clutch depressed! and note: you have to pull the clutch back to disengage the clutch!
i stole the setup from Forza and modified it to accommodate a clutch and have the shifters be aligned on the controller like a paddle shifter
the benefits of using this control scheme is that you get to have all four essential controls(steering, clutch, brake, and throttle) on a car to be analog on the controller.
note: there are several reasons why i didn't chose to have an analog control.
a) if i where to include it as an analog control, the only place i can place it is the horizontal axis of the left analog stick, but that would disturb steering, since you have to have the stick at the absolute top or bottom to disengage it
b) the technique of slowing down the rear wheels[to regrip] when you are slipping is so advanced that your brain wouldn't be able to handle so much data output on top of using 6 digits to control a WHOLE CAR... so it's useless anyways.
Hope this helps you, and good luck with driving with your fingers!
ps: please sticky!
Wireless Controller Guide Section, comming soon
i now have the xgi file for the xbcd uploaded, so if your lazy, you can now just download that and rename it .xgi and boot it up in XBCD
I have searched around this forum about the controller, and finally pieced together a solution, i just want the next newb that comes around to have an easier time with this game pad...
so i am going to make a thread to sum it all up!
now first of all, by reading this thread you probably realize by now, the original microsoft driver is utter, complete, rubbish! time to get you a new driver!
but to start, you have to have the microsoft driver installed
when your finished, follow this link and download the XBCD 1.07 software:
after you downloaded it, go ahead and run the exe
Then download this packet to patch in some missing files so your computer recognizes the driver!
unzip that packet then run install.bat
go to the start menu and right click on my computer
go to properties
go to hardware tab
go to device manager
expand "XBOX 360 Peripherals"
right click "xbox 360 controller for windows"
click update driver
select "install from a list or a specific location"
select "don't search, i will choose the driver to install"
select"XBOX 360 GAME PAD" and then click next
when a popup ask about driver certificates, ignore it and click "continue anyways"
restart your computer and you are good!
now, open setup utility in "all programs/XBCD"[/COLOR]
now in the setup utility...
For separate triggers on the XBox360 Controller:
LT- slider(-)
RT- RZ (-)
For the analog sticks:
Left analog stick: set deadzone to 18, because anything larger would make your analog stick bi-polar!
Right analog stick: no deadzone, and have the 2 axises be on one axis
so that up=right, down= left; you will see why in a sec

set rumble to 80, i find anything harder will make you loose blood to ur hands

and get blood accumulation somewhere else *wink**wink*
now, to have this properly saved, just click "apply" THEN save... or else you would not have saved your settings
now that you have the controller configured...
go into the game and you can set the control scheme!
here is a setup that i find very effective!
X- horn
A- ebrake
B- personal message
Y- personal message
start- ignition
select- Car Reset
left analog stick(side to side)- steering
right analog stick- clutch
back- look back
left- look left
right- look right
up- a personal message synonymous with "get the hell out of my way, n00b!"
left shoulder- shift down
right shoulder- shift up
this way, when you have to pull ebrake or ignite car... you can reach the button while you have the clutch depressed! and note: you have to pull the clutch back to disengage the clutch!
i stole the setup from Forza and modified it to accommodate a clutch and have the shifters be aligned on the controller like a paddle shifter
the benefits of using this control scheme is that you get to have all four essential controls(steering, clutch, brake, and throttle) on a car to be analog on the controller.
note: there are several reasons why i didn't chose to have an analog control.
a) if i where to include it as an analog control, the only place i can place it is the horizontal axis of the left analog stick, but that would disturb steering, since you have to have the stick at the absolute top or bottom to disengage it
b) the technique of slowing down the rear wheels[to regrip] when you are slipping is so advanced that your brain wouldn't be able to handle so much data output on top of using 6 digits to control a WHOLE CAR... so it's useless anyways.
Hope this helps you, and good luck with driving with your fingers!
ps: please sticky!
Wireless Controller Guide Section, comming soon
i now have the xgi file for the xbcd uploaded, so if your lazy, you can now just download that and rename it .xgi and boot it up in XBCD