The online racing simulator
Quote from FL!P :I see, thanks for the info.

I read in CamLevel's thread that it forces the camera to look forward, so obviously it's the intended behavior. Therefore, uninstalling FlipCams won't change anything. You could keep it installed and use it when you're not using CamLevel, or your could even define your FlipCams cameras in relation with CamLevel and use them both together (for example you could have one FlipCam "attached" to the front bumper, one inside the car, one on its roof, one on the rear wing, etc.). They all will point forwards, but it's still better than a single cam.

True, maybe I was not clear saying there was a conflict. Both applications work as intented. Again great work.

You mentioned that FlipCams is based on an Autohotkey script ... is the source script available?
Here it is. Just don't distribute edited versions, please.
Attached files - 1.6 KB - 640 views
Quote from FL!P :Here it is. Just don't distribute edited versions, please.

Great! Thanks!! Won't distribute anything ;-).
Hi,Fl!p!I downloaded you software,and installed it and began to record.But I still can't understand-how can I see what I recorded?Could you or someone explane it to me step by step?hp999
Quote from hp999 :Hi,Fl!p!I downloaded you software,and installed it and began to record.But I still can't understand-how can I see what I recorded?Could you or someone explane it to me step by step?hp999


See Getting Started. There's a step-by-step there. Does it help?

Quote from FL!P :Hi,

See Getting Started. There's a step-by-step there. Does it help?


It did. But there is one thing-how can I film one wheel of the car?Sorry,I'm a beginner shooting videos on computer.

Edit-I got it!Thanks
Thanks for the heads-up, vicbel!

I can't test it at the moment, but those who want to try, it's very easy:

Open LFS\data\script\fc_reloadView.lfs in any text editor. Here's its default contents:

// this will reload the custom view if it's active but won't switch to it if it isn't
/press v
/shift v

// this will switch to the custom view and reload it, not matter which one is active
// view custom

Just comment out /press v and /shift v by adding a new slash ahead of them, and type the following on one line:

/view reload

Then save and close the file. That should restore FlipCams' functionality in Z.
Thanks FL!P!!

That works like a charm. Only one caveat though. When you make changes to any of the 5 views you need to enter /view save in the chat window before changing views otherwise the changes would be lost. Another option is to add that command to one of the scripts that change the views before switching. I have not tried that yet.
Quote from vicbel :When you make changes to any of the 5 views you need to enter /view save in the chat window before changing views otherwise the changes would be lost.

You mean LFS no longer saves the changes to the custom view? Or are you saying that it doesn't "remember" that you changed from one cam to another, so if you go to another view (track cam, for example) then back to the custom view, it would not show the last cam you selected in FlipCams?
Quote from FL!P :You mean LFS no longer saves the changes to the custom view? Or are you saying that it doesn't "remember" that you changed from one cam to another, so if you go to another view (track cam, for example) then back to the custom view, it would not show the last cam you selected in FlipCams?

LFS no longer automatically saves the changes.

If I load flipcam 3 for example, then enter the menu to change the angle ... then leave the menu and switch to flipcam4 the back to flipcam 3 the changes has not been saved. If I enter /view save right after exiting the menu after making the changes flipcam 3 retains the changes.
I see. Wouldn't this be a bug in LFS, then? Scawen wrote that LFS no longer saves the changes when it's not necessary, but I would assume that it becomes necessary to save them when the user changes the settings.
I added line with /view save at the begining of every fc_runCamX.lfs

[B]/view save[/B]
/wait FlipCams.exe "cam1"
/echo ^6 FlipCams: ^7CAM 1
/run fc_bindCam1
/run fc_reloadView

And again it is working great.
Quote from FL!P :I see. Wouldn't this be a bug in LFS, then? Scawen wrote that LFS no longer saves the changes when it's not necessary, but I would assume that it becomes necessary to save them when the user changes the settings.

Definitely something to mention on the TEST patch thread for me.

Quote from yaper :I added line with /view save at the begining of every fc_runCamX.lfs
And again it is working great.

Good fix!
I just released FlipCams 1.0.3 that adds compatibility with patch Z. Get it from the top post in this thread.

Stick to 1.0.2 if you keep using patch X.


Quote from FL!P :I just released FlipCams 1.0.3 that adds compatibility with patch Z. Get it from the top post in this thread.

Stick to 1.0.2 if you keep using patch X.




does this version keep the cameras' settings after using Soeren Scharf's TV Director? (it overwrites all view settings you choose, e.g using CAM1 as a wing camera would be overwritten by TV Director's T-Cam CAM1 set, dunno if I made it clear...)
Well, if TV Director uses to overwrite the custom view, it will still do it with this version, because that has nothing to do with FlipCams.

However, in this case you could decide that one of FlipCam's cameras will be reserved for TV Director and always switch to that camera before you use TV Director's T-cam. That way, the four other FlipCams' cameras will be left untouched.
One more thing:
I changed the command keys a bit to get straight to the camera I'm looking for. (e.g CAM1 to CAM3) in one key instead of pressing CTRL+F12 twice.

Here they are for everyone using FlipCams:

CTRL+F1 - /run fc_RunCam1
CTRL+F2 - /run fc_RunCam2
CTRL+F3 - /run fc_RunCam3
CTRL+F4 - /run fc_RunCam4
CTRL+F5 - /run fc_RunCam5

You can use these hotkeys for the next version (if you want to of course) in order to save people from wasting time making them.

Quote from FL!P :I just released FlipCams 1.0.3 that adds compatibility with patch Z. Get it from the top post in this thread.

Nice one Flip, thank you for updating FlipCams.
Thank you for updating Flipcams Fl!p. First thing i checked when i installed Z25 was the functionality of Flipcams :P. I was freaking out when i realised it wasn't working, i'm glad you updated it.

For some reason its not working with my Z25 LFS though.

Error: cannot determine the current view. Make sure LFS´s data folder contain the "views" folder and four "views_cam*" folders.

This is what i get at startup and also if i try to hit the shortcut to change the cam. typing in /run fc_runCam1 in the chat also gives me the same error message.

of course the folders mentioned in the error message do exist. Any suggestions?
Make sure you don't have 5 folders named "views_cam*". If you do, get rid of one of them.
Oh wow i wasn't expecting an answer this late in the night! Thank you very much flip, you should be given an nobel price for LFS moding or something!

It works like a charm now and it even has all the cams from the previous version.

next time i´ll be reading the error messages with more attention

Quote from Metalass :
Error: cannot determine the current view. Make sure LFS´s data folder contain the "views" folder and four "views_cam*" folders.

Glad it worked. And thanks for the Nobel!
great. after downloading it says that there seems to be a virus called a troija.

why is that
The more virii your computer "thinks" it has, the more money anti-virus companies will make.

This is a false positive mate. What anti-virus you have there?

FlipCams - 5 custom views per car
(199 posts, started )