ok i am awear that this susjestion is not very important but a valid one at that. In most forced induction cars positive boost dosent allow the vacume brake systems to work corectly and you lose braking by a small ammount,eg more time on positive boost = less vacume = less braking assitance.
Now im well awear lfs can not make the OUR pedals harder or softer but they can make it not brake as hard when poisitve pressure is held for long periods of time
PS. i just enjoy seeing how bad the vacume assited braking is in differnt turbo'ed cars IRL
Now im well awear lfs can not make the OUR pedals harder or softer but they can make it not brake as hard when poisitve pressure is held for long periods of time

PS. i just enjoy seeing how bad the vacume assited braking is in differnt turbo'ed cars IRL