And your point is? Really, it's quite insulting to be insulted by a demo user.
Let me put this into perspective, by comparing in principle, an immigrant who comes from Eastern Europe, who comes into Europe, has been here for not far off a year, who doesn't have a job or pay any taxes because they're on benefits (that's the 'not buying S2 for nearly a year' thing) and tells myself (or any other British citizen for that matter) that I'm annoying/rude/useless/any other derogotory comment. It's just not on.
Tbh, Takumi, if you dislike G!NhO so much, I suggest you either argue it out in PM's, go and fight each other face to face, or one of you add the other to your ignore list, because this whole thing is not cool. This thread is not the place for childish bickering (which to be honest, both of you act very much like children very much of the time, so you're both as bad as each other in my view).
To the PM's!