The online racing simulator
DFP Accelerator
(9 posts, started )
DFP Accelerator
Hi all,

I could not find a thread with the problem that I have, if there is one sorry for a double thread.

I recently got a DFP for Christmas coz the G25 is way to expensive here in South Africa something like R2800.

I have been experiencing a slight problem with the accelerator. Whilst driving in LFS the accelerator bar on left bottom side of screen goes down completely whilst my foot is completely flat on the pedal and the car even slows down like it ran out of fuel. But as soon as I release the pedal and put my foot flat down again the bar goes up again and the car accelerates again.

It is as if the pedal looses connection or something. But it could not be a loose connection because it is only for a second or two.

Has anybody experienced this problem?

Any suggestions?

Thanking you in advanced.
This happens to me in kind of a similar way. Although I use a Wingman GP Wheel, If i minimize the LFS window, then bring it back up all my pedal's calibrations are wierd. So I just have to push each one down to full then release it a few times, and its fine. I've jsut got that into the natural order I do things now. I am getting a DFP Today, so I'll see if it still does it.
Quote from mcintyrej :This happens to me in kind of a similar way. Although I use a Wingman GP Wheel, If i minimize the LFS window, then bring it back up all my pedal's calibrations are wierd. So I just have to push each one down to full then release it a few times, and its fine. I've jsut got that into the natural order I do things now. I am getting a DFP Today, so I'll see if it still does it.

Thanks for your reply I also had the Wingman Formula Force. You will be very happy with your DFP. I mapped 34 commands to my DFP wheel buttons. I only use my keyboard to type now.
I have had this problem once and i thought it was strange but it has only happened once in a year of owning my dfp so i never found out what it was. As i said only happened to me once but sounds like yours is a pesistant problem.
Ok so i dig this up again sry.
Maybe i'm blind but cannot find soluton for my problem.

And the problem:

When i'm driving my accelerator just drops dead instantly (brake still works). I cannot do anything. I need to unplug pedals cable from the wheel and plug it back to make them work again. Other that that everything is fine with the wheel and pedals. It happens randomly.

What can it be ?
I alwyas used 4.40 software as it's working for more than 4 years now. Tried clear calibration thingy, reinstalling drivers...without success. I also cleaned my pedals up from the inside and outside.
The only thing that worked for a week at least was formatting my hdd and clean install - Week later the same :/


no one knows what can it be??
hmm .. just a guess but you could try the driver version 4.60 or even higher (but its only neseccary for g25 i guess)

My both pedals like to get stucked too and all i do is clean the Potis with fingers so there is now dust or something on it. They never get really dirty but the tiniest thing makes the difference it seems to me.

If only the gas pedal maybe the wires are loose or broken. Try to mount them with tape or something like that
I tried newest logi soft in version 5.02. From then pedals started to LAG a lot having ms breaks sometimes they worked to the half of the normal values. So i went back to 4.40.. All worked great for over a week and today it happened again. It can't be hardware issue as changing softare helps for few days always. And when it start's to go nuts it's like that till next reinstall :/
hmm ok so its Software. I still say try the 4.60 works great for me and most others.
Other than that its most likely something with windows but that just another clueless guess from me.

im sorry I have no idea.

DFP Accelerator
(9 posts, started )