Stupid i didn't spot this thread before :doh: It sounds interesting.. Maybe i'll be able to join in I've also posted a link to this thread on our forum.. so maybe some more of Revolution Racing will get interested..
Yes but i dont mean to insult you in some other way .
Its just why keep telling Driegergen this Driebergen that, If we have chosen for Berghem wich is a GOOD track with GOOD karts.
I'm not quite sure about that. I'd need to how know many of us are interested in a team endurance race. To be honest, I'd rather have each of us drive solo.
This is what I sent back to ms. Van den Biggelaar, on the 28th of October.
Dit voorstel was zeker volgens ons budget. Wij gaan in op uw voorstel van 20+25 minuten voor €83,25. Echter, wij zouden dit evenement graag pas willen houden op een zaterdag in Juni 2009. Welke data zijn er beschikbaar?
Met vriendelijke groet,
Basically, it says that we agree with her proposal of 20+25 minutes. I also said that we want to hold this event in June 09, and I asked for available dates. She hasn't replied yet. I'll spam her again.
Update - I just sent her another message. All we can do now is wait.
It says: "Sorry for the late reply. It's not possible for us to write down any possible dates for a saturday in June. That is because we depend on the international race calendar for the races held on our track. We expect to have those dates by early december. As soon as we have made an overview, I'll contact you to plan a date. Please tell me if you agree. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Ive got an idea.
Why dont we divide the Karts in the way people signed up. Like ...... is participant number 12. He then will get kart #12. Thats a better way to know whos who!
So Erik-Jan...
Do you have some more news about the event?
Because Im sure to come.
And if everything is defenitely booked then I will pack my Karting Gear and offcourse my Kart and go train alot on Berghem.