Here is my "small" pack of Firefox Extensions.
Auto Copy 0.8
Copy text to clipboard right after selecting it (no need to press CTRL+C).
Adblock Plus
Say no to advertising.
Add to Search Bar 1.7
Add any search on any page to the Search Bar.
All-in-One Gestures 0.19.1
This extension allows you to execute common commands using mouse gestures, rocker navigation, scroll wheel navigation and page scrolling.
British English Dictionary 1.19
clickngo 1.1
middle click on urlbar or ctrl+middle click on searchbar to paste clipboard and go
CustomizeGoogle 0.76
Mostly used for removing gmail ads and switching into fixed width font in gmail.
CuteMenus - Crystal SVG 1.9.3
Icons for menus.
Dictionary Switcher 1.0
Download Statusbar
Must Have! No more poping up download window.
DownloadHelper 3.4
Youtube, etc video downloader.
dragdropupload 1.6.8
This extension helps you to upload files
Extension List Dumper 1.14.1
Used to generate this type of listing.

Favicon Picker 3
Replace bookmark icons using the properties dialog.
FlashGot 1.1.4
Interface for most download menagers.
Weather info.
Foxmarks Bookmark Synchronizer 2.5.3
To sync work and home bookmarks.
View EXIF data in image properties
IE Tab 1.5.20080823
View pages in Firefox tabs using InternetExplorer.
Link Alert
Changes the cursor to indicate the target of a link.
Linkification 1.3.5
Convert URLs in text into clicable links.
Linky 2.7.1
Powerfull extension to open (all/selected/image) links from one page in tabs.
Lots of features for live bookmarks [RSS] (read/unread, open all unread in tabs, etc)
Locationbar² 1.0.3
Formats and linkifies addresses in your Location bar.
MailFrom 0.2.1
Enables mailto links to point to any webmail service for writing email.
NextPlease 0.7.0
Navigate next/prev search results/images in galleries with the press of a key, or mouse/rocker gestures. Highly integrated with All-In-One Gestures
Nightly Tester Tools 2.0.2
Useful to install outdated extensions.
Managing execution of JavaScript, Flash and others scripts.
Options Menu 1.6
Fast access to extension options.
PDF Download
Menu for clicked PDF link (download, show in external viewer, view in FF, view in HTML)
QuickProxy 2008.08.24
Quickproxy creates a statusbar button to quickly turn the proxy on and off.
Smart Middle Click
Middle click for javascript links.
Tab Mix Plus
Must Have! Lots of tab options and more.
Update Notifier
Shows info that updates of extension/themes are available.
Web Developer 1.1.6
Adds a menu and a toolbar with various web developer tools.