I dont know why does it say "demo" in that because AFAIK theres no demo version, but full version works as a demo without license.
apparently all 3 servers just locked up, im refreshing all for past 5 minutes and nothing is .. working
Now an RSC mirror as well but very slow (30 KB/s) downloading from Gamers Hell (130 KB/s) I think Gamers Hell just crashed a few minutes ago though.
Woo, started download and have just orderd it aswell. Gonna be a long night, thankfully its the school holidays though! Its kinda strange being on the LFS Forums with a 6 page thread on the release of a 'rival' sim!
I can never understand why big (both in size and demand) arent distro'd using torrents........... Dan,
dunno, but this wasnt the brightest idea to have juts 1 download just trying to setup my teamspeak.. cant.. talk yet lol