Mini bump.
So, first lesson today.
Went pretty well overall, in the 5 or 6 hours we did on the road, only a total of about 5 'serious' errors that would fail me.
3 of those were missing the 20mph limit, but that's something that you'd be concentrating extra hard on if it were the real test.
1 was one of my U-turns, I lose my balance before I do the final shoulder check when moving forward at walking speed, and the other was pulling out in a gap that wasn't
really big enough (He said a mean tester may fail me, wasn't 'dangerous')
In my eyes, the biggest problem was the fact I hate CG125's. Nor can I ride them.
Only last night I was thinking "Wow it'll be so easy", when it actual fact, it's not. The mirrors are less useful than on my RS, as they're mounted to the bars, rather than onto the fairing, so when you move the bars, you can't see behind you. The riding position is shit, I get arm ache after about half an hour.
The 125cc 4stroke engine is also a gutless piece of shit, running out of steam at about 55mph. Clutch is another bugbear, the biting point is so close to the normal level postion, that when I am trying to downchange (I blip the throttle), I end up missing a gear. Talking of throttle, the throttle itself probbably rotates a good 300 degrees from 1% - 100%, meaning that smooth downchages are very hard to do. As well as that, when going from 1st to 2nd, I get the gear selector trying to stab my foot, as I can feel each one of the cogs engaging, (very clunkily) which makes my foot feel like it's bleeding.
But saying that, it's a much 'easier' riding position, even if it's less comfortable, the clutch is pretty light (although as said above, it's still a pain in t'arse).
Aside from my excuses, I'm told I'm going to fast round corners (

), namely when coming off roundabouts and the like, and that I need to be more aware of the lanes on what are called "spiral roundabouts" (these are the ones that have like 4 lanes and go into 3 different places, you probbably had something like this on your tests), and the rear observation before the U-turn (I lose my balance, otherwise they're not an issue).
I have one final lesson tommorow, and hopefully, I will be able to overcome these, let's face it, niggly little faults. There's nothing seriously bad about my riding (so I'm told by my Instructor), and he says "You shouldn't have a problem with your test", so, nerves allowing, it shouldn't be a problem.