The online racing simulator
Quote from filur :A bit? Is it just me who's getting absolutely horrible sound?

I'm getting 50-60 fps, fiddled with audio settings and DX acceleration, i can make it worse, but i can't make it any better.

Hmmm it should really sound like this ... =formula+ford&pl=true
Well i decided to host a server on my workstation, we'll see if it works ...

Game server: FLP LFS@nKPro pass: s2alpha (no pass required atm)
Quote from biggie :

... *zzzzssssshh* TOO MUCH.... INPUT..... MUST TERMINATE.... PROGRAM *zsssh*

/me fuses and crashes

Anyway, I wouldn't have thought Vic was capable of doing those things. There's a lot of criminal energy involved in this I have to say :P

just hex edit the car name in the replay - it's the very first word in the file. The car model in the replay changes along
Quote from Victor :just hex edit the car name in the replay - it's the very first word in the file. The car model in the replay changes along

LMAO, bet hotlappers will love this.
it didn't influence the lap though - it's just another car model and it complained about the wrong tyres being on it.

also I think they don't store laptime in the replay; you have to replay it to see the time - that's nice for anti-cheating I guess, but websites with hotlap-upload , hmmmmmm

I could be wrong though - only messed around a little last night - now got other things to do
Lol, that's too simple :o Another thing one can do is change the car name in its config file and magically that car will be loaded even in the demo :S Not going to take long for some genius to figure out how to cheat the ignition system too.. (not that I would know first hand )
1:40:8 in demo (default settings).

IMO game just feels bad when driving near the limit and its impossible to do fast movements (for example fast countersteer to avoid spin) unlike in LFS.
Not impressed at all but others say the faster cars are way better...

And it would be cool if I was able to see how fast i am going and to see the gear cos I don't know whether the last shift was succesful or not...
Attached files - 1.9 MB - 169 views
Dang aliens, I got bored after doing a 1:41.889
Kuno Message
Now I'm "full" of mail regarding activation. Many problems are allready solved but user MUST contact me if they've some issue.
Another small group seems to have a strange bug that put netkar PRO in demo mode even if they've are "licensed"

I'm hoping that you understand that netKar PRO is not bug free. But i'm here to solve every problem as soon as I can. Next week there will be a patch that will solve some problems regards server's lobby. For the moment a little note: If you see high ping in server list that is a bug. If you join a server you'll have a correct ping.

In the last 2 months I didn't found even 2 minutes to write down a server configuration so it can be that many of them are not configured well.
GPChampionship servers are working good and last night there were a lot of drivers racing on them without problems.

I'm sorry if this version is not 100% Bug Free, but soon it will be. We can test in 10-20-50, but when hundred and hundred people try it, some bug appears from nowhere! :P

Regarding sounds: I see (emh... I hear) from posted samples that there is a great difference between different systems. In our test it seems ok and that's why we've abandoned multisample's system.
We'll see in future how sounds evolve and if we don't fix it we can reintroduce samples in the next patch.
wow sounds like a rite mess up! glad i didnt spend my money on it now and stuck with LFS... i didnt even think about NKP which is how dedicated i am to LFS unlike there rest of you :P
I drove a 1:36.4 in the demo. Is that fast (default set)?
Quote from Darkone55 :I drove a 1:36.4 in the demo. Is that fast (default set)?

What track (and layout) is in the demo?
Quote from ajp71 :What track (and layout) is in the demo?

Crema, which has just one layout.
Although confusingly, it has two alternative routes around it, so laptimes are a bit difficult to compare unless you say which route you took
Quote from Darkone55 :I drove a 1:36.4 in the demo. Is that fast (default set)?

I would say below average :P
From the nKPro site:

"3. Buy your netKar PRO v1.0 licence now to unlock your software. You'll get 1 year of free software updates and additional contents, documentation and support."

That's a bit of a kick in the teeth for those who adopt nKP early and help them work through the bugs. I much prefer the LFS approach where you buy a specific stage or version, however long it takes to get it right. nKP is a long way from being a finished product (not that I have a huge problem with that) but to be expected to pay for further updates 1 year from now stinks.
Quote from Rob76 :From the nKPro site:

"3. Buy your netKar PRO v1.0 licence now to unlock your software. You'll get 1 year of free software updates and additional contents, documentation and support."

That's a bit of a kick in the teeth for those who adopt nKP early and help them work through the bugs. I much prefer the LFS approach where you buy a specific stage or version, however long it takes to get it right. nKP is a long way from being a finished product (not that I have a huge problem with that) but to be expected to pay for further updates 1 year from now stinks.

Oh Right, as you said, buy now, and buy again later. Would not be so bad, if the prices was around LFS prices, but they are almost double Because of the unfinished state, and all the hype in autosim and other mags, I think they might have lost a few potential paying customers.
What have you done round Prato Short in the F Target?

Quote from Fordman :Oh Right, as you said, buy now, and buy again later. Would not be so bad, if the prices was around LFS prices, but they are almost double Because of the unfinished state, and all the hype in autosim and other mags, I think they might have lost a few potential paying customers.

Only the same as buying S2 for someone who hasn't already got S1 and whether they'll actually stop giving us free bug patches after a year remains debatable, however I think the updates includes new content.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Some of my thoughts about NkPro.

Pros and Cons or whatever... (demo)

+graphics - I especially like the car model(s). Good idea was to put two different textures for tires when they are not moving and other when it is in motion. Bump mapping makes a great job. Dirt on tyres is also a good thing.
Pits look ok.

-graphics - no hands on the steering wheel - I so much like it in LFS. It makes some kind of connection between me and the car. Just feel better with it. During a replay you can see actual hands of the model on the wheel.
-The track is kind of dull. Concrete walls on left and right and asphalt between grass all the way.
The black spots under all the four wheels that make the shadow darker under the tyres are vissible when they should not be (like when the place is hidden a bit behind the kerb.

+sound - crash sound
-sound - engine AAAAARGHHH

+interface - virtual cocpit
-interface - configuration

+- physics - well, It's somewhat good implemented but not set up correctly I fell. Apart from that

- physics - screenshot tells the story. The ostrich mode on Just the simmilar reaction like in 0.99 when you flipped the car.

BTW. Where is the DOOM mode??
Attached images
Quote from himself :
BTW. Where is the DOOM mode??

Press F11 when in the pits. Come back to your car and press F11 again to get back in the car.
Quote from ajp71 :What have you done round Prato Short in the F Target?

Only the same as buying S2 for someone who hasn't already got S1 and whether they'll actually stop giving us free bug patches after a year remains debatable, however I think the updates includes new content.

It's not the paying for a certain level of content that seems wrong, but the way the time is specified in such a buggy initial release of an ongoing product in desperate need of development. If you buy it one year from now, is it going to cost more than the current 36 euro? If so, it's going to be a very expensive product in a few years time. If not, it would be much better to adopt a v1.x, v2.x, etc. policy rather than a time based scheme where upgrading from v.1.x costs less than buying v2.x outright.

Having to buy the latest version every year just to ensure you have the current version (and ensure MP compatibility) seems more like a subscription scheme, and would only seem right once the product is much more 'finished'. It's shit for the clock to be running for those who pay now just to effectively be beta testers and help fix the software. nKP shows a lot of promise, but it's in danger of not attracting enough people early due to the payment policy. It probably explains why they didn't go down the multiplayer demo route, as more people might think they might wait until the product is closer to being finished before paying for the full thing and their year of compatibility.

It's certainly making LFS S1 and S2 look very cheap. Let's face it, if you had S1, you're getting 100% discount of the S1 price towards S2.
drove 2 corners to get lost ,thats after 30 mins of finding out how to start the engine and 15 mins to get it in first gear = it sucks

it reminds me of grand prix 2 only less realism

adios JeePo
Rob76 don't buy it if you don't want to you can always buy it later when you bought S2 you only bought updates upto the end of S2. I think 1 year of updates was specified so Kunos wouldn't end up tied into too much. I never bought S1 because I always felt it was unfinished and wasn't going to buy S2 because it felt (and still does tbh) so unfinished in parts of the physics.
Quote from Rob76 :From the nKPro site:

"3. Buy your netKar PRO v1.0 licence now to unlock your software. You'll get 1 year of free software updates and additional contents, documentation and support."

I noticed that yesteryday too... I don't know if that is really true or what it really means. Gotta check the rscnet forums if there's something info about that. I remember there WAS NO mentioning about this when I bought the license! If that's true, it really makes me want to kill Kunos right now.

Or it might just mean that all the "additional content" is free...? It doesn't mention about the license itself...

Quote from ajp71 :...maybe there's just a few bugs in the MP code that insufficent testing didn't find?

If there was testing at all? I find it VERY funny that some of the options in the menus doesn't even work (most notably the FF setting). Or then the beta testers just didn't find that option too important? LOL.

And I got horrible FPS drop in mp too... dunno if its because of the lag (pings were 400-8000 and it really felt like that too, even if Kunos says that pings are right in the game but not in the lobby).

Quote from Victor :I could be wrong though - only messed around a little last night - now got other things to do

Other things to do... like the preparation of patch release?

LFS Community gives nKPro a go?
(777 posts, started )