G25 pontentiometer going out.
I've tried cleaning them... I have no idea if I can get a replacement or where I can get it, im out of warranty... Can anyone direct me to a site that has a working one for the G25?


G25 pedals I mean..
I hope someone helps with some info don't want you quitting lfs on me xD. I haven't done a ton of searching, so I've no info on the pedal pots, sorry. Ill pm/tell to ingame as soon as i find anything.
Just call Logi and tell them your issue, I did and all I had to do was send back my old wheel and i got a new one back. But they really wanted to see my wheel as it caught fire.
I'm out of warranty, Logitech wont do Jack.
Its still worth a shot, sometimes companies do offer good customer support including after warranty. Sometimes they don't but still a chance.
Well, i HAD the same problem or pretty much something like that iiwith my shifter, i say had the problem , cuz iii was lucky enouiigh to be able to fix it,

what i encounter with my Shifter, was that in H-PAttern mode, all the slots on the impaired row (1 3 5) were all selecting same button 13, same with the 2,4,6 gear, all selected Button 12 , so i got some info, and figured out what the heck lets open that thing,

so i opened it , located both potentiometer and the wire harness, and with the info i had collected i could easily target which potentiometer was faulty ,

the 1 for lateral axis, luckly its the easiest to get to, without dissamsembling everything apart, my specific trouble was caused by a severed Black wire , its very small wire gauge, and if like me it was cut right at the edge of the plastic connector, your gonna have some fun making the repair , but its free to try if warranty is voided
first you need a digital multimeter. then you can take the faulty pot and turn it all the way one way and you should have zero ohms. then if you turn it all the way the other way you should get a number. it could be 10kohms, 20kohms, 50kohms maybe lower or even higher in ohms. you just have to test it out. then once you have found the max ohms that will tell you what pot you have to get ohm wise. i can tell you right now its most likely gonna be a single turn trim pot. if you find out the ohms i can find you the right one. if you cant measure the ohms maybe i can take mine apart and check it for you. heres a link of pots that are kinda close to what you need but dont have the grip on the turning part. didnt look hard

something like this: http://www.circuitspecialists.com/level.itml/icOid/1360

I have not a multimeter, I'd like to say also... Thank you very much for your time.

Not to be much of a bother, could you maybe look at yours?

To be honest, I don't know how to use a multimeter, seeing as i've never had to use one. I know someone who does... But probably doesn't want to help me.
i can try to do it tomorrow i have to goto work now but i will see what i come up with. you havent taken your pedals apart? you should could just be a loose wire or sumthing stupid that could be an easy fix.
Did, cleaned them... didn't work.

Switched the clutch and Accelerator around, it works... but it wont be forever. that's why i'm in need of a pontentiometer.

I'd like to thank you all for your help, and if you're willing to do so, no rush. Thanks.