The online racing simulator
SO2R Wall bug
(32 posts, started )
SO2R Wall bug
Second to last corner on SO2R, when you hit the wall on the left side it doesn't count as invalid and i mean you can slam into it and it not record it. LIKE WTF! Its about the only place in SO you can make time by hitting a wall and it doesn't count as invalid.... I even lost my WR because some nub cheese who couldn't beat me decided to do it.

Gives a faster entry, slows you down as you hit it and gives you a wider entry to the last corner.
Attached files
JPeace_SO2R_BF1_037440.spr - 47.8 KB - 273 views
There are alot more places then that one corner where you can get away with hitting the wall.
Attached images
Cheatable places.jpg
As Pecky said, there's many places you can wallride and get away with it.

It just comes down to weather you're a fair sportsman or not really...
Yes but do any give you as much an advantage as that?

Pisses me off because i got 47.42 and was invalid because i scraped a wall at T2.
Yes most do, especially the one at last turn at So3.
That's quite a bad one though.
As I said, it's all go to do with whether you are a fair sportsman or not.
Hopefully the Dev's fix it though, giving the unfair drivers less of a chance to cheat
He thinks it was justified because i had a "fluky" first split, yet like any driver i just nailed the first split. But not so much the last.. But i know if he hadn't hit the wall it would have been a different story but w/e speedhackers get removed from there but gay little wall bashers don't, its still cheating...
Quote from [DUcK] :Yes most do, especially the one at last turn at So3.
That's quite a bad one though.
As I said, it's all go to do with whether you are a fair sportsman or not.
Hopefully the Dev's fix it though, giving the unfair drivers less of a chance to cheat

I told victor about someone hitting that wall and this was his reponse

Quote from Victor :
Quote from rc10racer :Anychance you can look at this replay ( as the current cheating system has not seen it happen.



well yes there's a nudge in the last corner if that's what you meant? But it's just a nudge to me tbh.
For the rest I don't see anything wrong?

Nudge my ass.
Dunno, it's a matter of intent I guess. There've been times when I've driven a pb knowing I was going to hit a wall without a penalty, and didn't try to avoid it.

On the other hand, there have been times I've done a pb and scraped a wall so infinitesimally that it couldn't possibly have had any effect (let alone positive) and still got invalidated for it.

Former should be a no-no, latter's harsh, so where to draw the line and who draws it.
Quote from NotAnIllusion :Dunno, it's a matter of intent I guess. There've been times when I've driven a pb knowing I was going to hit a wall without a penalty, and didn't try to avoid it.

On the other hand, there have been times I've done a pb and scraped a wall so infinitesimally that it couldn't possibly have had any effect (let alone positive) and still got invalidated for it.

Former should be a no-no, latter's harsh, so where to draw the line and who draws it.

How many people have done a WR time and lost it for something minor like going on the grass even before doing a lap and its gets invalid, ive scraped and apex on a hairpin and it made it invalid. HE SLAMS INTO A WALL AND GETS AWAY WITH IT. Devs, if your not going to make this fcking thing fair, then you might aswell screw the whole hotlap charts.
#10 - arco
There's lots of things that needs to be ironed out for hotlapping. Scawen himself admitted a while ago that the hotlapping part has been neglected far too long, and that he was meaning to work more on it.

You can always do the same wallriding, and leave a nice little message like: "Wallriding is bad for your health. Remove your cheating lap and do it fairly, and I will do the same."
and after all it is just a damn LFS hotlap.
Im not really that bothered about the fact he beat it but when someone cheats to beat me, then that ticks me off, im not guna wallride and lower myself to him, its kinda like the macro try and beat them without it but i cba.
Quote from Biohazard :and after all it is just a damn LFS hotlap.

why not allowing cheating for everyone so
that really sucks to see people cheating and be as fast as you in few minutes, while you know you had very hard time to do a clean lap
meh, i definitely do not tolerate or even support wallriding, button-clutching and other means of gaining unfair advantage.

but all the discussions regarding hotlapping just were a lot of talk without any worthy results, as far as i remember.

just keep calm and smile at anybody being so pathetic to upload a lap including a wallride... because "after all it is just a damn LFS hotlap."
the hotlap chart needs a police, that's all
Another nub... Jeez, too many fairplay hotlapers in lfsw guess.

But I am smiling how much can a man do for a WR, when he doesnt know how to do it by clean lap.

Replay attached. (exactly same wall, like in Pearcy's post above)
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Daniel1992_SO2R_FZR_045780.spr - 31.6 KB - 247 views
those people that go to that extent to have a wr , to brag about it, are fake worthless drivers,cuz any real Driver never stops to brag about a time, he knows he has to do even better ,still !!
Someone's jealous they can't drive WR times ^_^
Well i tried it the other day and it made me a tenth faster than my best ever last split i got 10.84 as apposed to 10.96 without hitting the wall, so you et atleast a tenth by hitting it and you get it more consistantly.
#20 - AMB
Something needs to be done, JPeace has another FO8 WR there where he AGAIN used the wall to get the WR, so i took it from him WITHOUT cheating. attached spr

here's a funny statement from the chatbox on LFSW

18:19 JPeace : i hit the wall for the 1st split time
18:19 JPeace : so it wasnt really fair
18:20 JPeace : so i didnt upload it, i learnt my lesson from last time if duck is listening

really? do you really think I wasn't going to check the replay after you cheated on the BF1 WR?

No Respect for cheats.
Attached files
JPeace_SO2R_FO8_042220.spr - 54.1 KB - 211 views
#21 - AMB
I think there should be some sort of system or admin to moderate hotlaps, I know there's a lot,

first time = hotlap removed
second = banned from hotlapping

Meh, i wall bashed and beat his, knocked a tenth off the best last split ive ever had so... Im guna keep mine up till the devs make some changes or he takes his down as its just not fair.

Was effortless too i mean, you down even have to push first split because you can just smash into the wall and get a mega last...
Yay my name got a mention! \o/
Why don't you both agree to delete your laps?
Pearcy, you shouldn't have hit the wall just to prove a point. Prove a point by owning his lap time without it.

It's the same with those macro clutchers, if you're gonna beat 'em, you use auto clutch, cause it just rubs it in their faces that they aren't fast without their little exploit/cheat.

What's worse is a macro clutching wall basher.
#24 - AMB
Quote from [DUcK] :
Pearcy, you shouldn't have hit the wall just to prove a point. Prove a point by owning his lap time without it.

Like me?

But i did a pretty awesome lap without it, im just showing you how easy it is to beat it by hitting the wall, i literally did about 5 laps after messy got the FO8 one, why should i spend time to get a perfect lap when he can just hit the wall again?

SO2R Wall bug
(32 posts, started )