Your Holiday Destinations
(19 posts, started )
Your Holiday Destinations
Post a pic and chat here about where you enjoy going on vacation.

For me it's the Highlands of Scotland.
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#2 - sam93
I enjoyed going to Mexico a couple of years back, left just 3 days before the hurricane hit, lucky. Was about 4 years ago we went though.

Wouldn't mind going to Hawaii, Miami, Florida and more Caribbean islands. I would also like to go to Monaco when the GP is on either.
usually go to Menorca every year, my grandparents have a house out there with spectacular sea views, but my grandfathers health has deteriorated so I doubt we'll be going out there again any time soon. Went to Cornwall in 2006, that was an awesome holiday. Attached are a couple of photos of the house we stayed in in Cornwall, it belonged to a friend of my dads, grade II* listed, about 500 years old, in the middle of nowhere on the edge of Bodmin moor and pretty much unique. No proper mains power either so everythign was powered by a small generator linked to a wind turbine on the roof of one of the outbuildings. There is also a photo of the view from my grandparent's house in Menorca. It is literally right on the mouth of the harbour so you get all the ships sailing in/out, much better than any TV

I'm also going to Australia next year, can't wait
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Thats grade two listed building, and they got away with putting a plywood roof on it?!? Just kiddin, that looks like a cool house, id like to do a home make over.

Ive been most holiday destinations, my favourite so far, probably Cyprus. Next year im hoping to go to Thailand for 3 weeks.
Quote from mookie427 :Went to Cornwall in 2006, that was an awesome holiday. Attached are a couple of photos of the house we stayed in in Cornwall, it belonged to a friend of my dads, grade II* listed, about 500 years old, in the middle of nowhere on the edge of Bodmin moor and pretty much unique.

Out of curiosity, where was that? I spent the last 7 years living in a converted barn in the middle of nowhere on the edge of Bodmin moor.
Get's tiresome after a while, even for an unsociable git like me. (one more Cornish winter and i think i might of slipped the noose around my neck)

On the main topic, i don't do 'holidays' as such. The idea of 2 weeks away doing nothing, or two weeks away getting pissed, or two weeks away rushing around cramming in every possible sight/activity has no appeal at all.

Much better to spend some time getting to really know a place and its people imo. I intend to spend at least a month in every state in India before i die (3 down, lots to go) And i'd like to live in Alaska for a year.

I've felt drawn to those two since i was youngster. India certainly didn't disappoint, I get the feeling Alaska won't either.
Australia was a pretty amazing place to go for a holiday.
Quote from The Moose :Out of curiosity, where was that? I spent the last 7 years living in a converted barn in the middle of nowhere on the edge of Bodmin moor.
Get's tiresome after a while, even for an unsociable git like me. (one more Cornish winter and i think i might of slipped the noose around my neck)

The nearest village IIRC was Bolventor, was near the famous Jamaca Inn too. Best memory of the holiday was going to a local pub (not the Jamaica Inn) and my dads friend getting slightly pissed then deciding to drive home with all of us in his Volvo estate, his son in the boot - this was around 9.30pm on deserted country lanes so it was perfectly safe - and deciding that he'd brake suddenly on a straight section of road so his son went flying around in the boot
Safe for everyone apart from those in the car lol

Cornwall and Devon, tourism will be picking up down there soon, credit crunch and that, no one can afford to go abroad .
Whats a "Holiday"...Been so long since I had one, I forgotten what they taste/look/smell like
I've never had what you could call a "holiday".
Parras Coahuila, with my family , and Cancun

Some pics from the place i stay in parras, good town... it's nice when you want a lonely place to "meditate"
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Quote from mookie427 :The nearest village IIRC was Bolventor, was near the famous Jamaca Inn too.

Ahh, only 6 or so miles from where i lived. Another desolate hell hole in the depths of a Cornish winter
No pics on my comp,but i often go down to visit my grandad in padstow, cornwall. Beautyful place.

Im hoping to drive down there next summer as i will *hopefully* have a licence by then. Convertible+Summer day+nice scenic drive = Winz0r!
Ooh I've been to lots of places

Been to Florida a few too many times tbh....
Majorca a couple of times (and again next year)
Lanzarote a couple of times
France a couple of times (ditto majorca - our friends have a house there) [And I've been to Monaco too - quite cool ]
We have a caravan in Norfolk, so we go there alot
Been to France on Geography Trip, Belgium on History Trip, and thats about it
I prefer to within the UK when possible. Mainly travel up to Orkney, learn how to drink proper up there. This year I will be in Wales, tie in the LFS Karting meet with a couple of rounds of golf maybe.
Never been abroad, plan to go next year though.

Best holiday i've had was probably Lundy Island. 12 miles out from the Devon coast, the island is 3 miles long by 1 mile wide with a population of about 30 people including workers. Although it was actually a working trip (seabed surveying), when we weren't out on the boat it was so peaceful to laze about.

J@tko, where in Norfolk do you have a caravan?
Quote from beefyman666 :J@tko, where in Norfolk do you have a caravan?

I'd rather not divulge it on a public forum - Joe will bomb it

I'll PM you
only holiday i had was back to bristol for a funeral so no not realy a holiday
Really loved the countryside in Ireland.

Your Holiday Destinations
(19 posts, started )