The online racing simulator
Inevitable picture thread
(2665 posts, closed, started )
(Spoiler) I think that if you see the faces first then the other dudes inside the head it means that you use mostly the right side of your brain and if you see the guys inside first then the 2 faces you're using the left side of your brain more. Just did this in class today and apperently the people who use the left side of their brain look for details first before seeing th general image. (/Spoiler)
Quote from evilpimp :(Spoiler) I think that if you see the faces first then the other dudes inside the head it means that you use mostly the right side of your brain and if you see the guys inside first then the 2 faces you're using the left side of your brain more. Just did this in class today and apperently the people who use the left side of their brain look for details first before seeing th general image. (/Spoiler)

That's fascinating. I wish I knew more about psychology.
I saw the faces first. This also has an effect on the way you read. Some people will read whole words/sentences in one go, while others need to go letter by letter or word by word. You can notice this very well when someone needs to read out loud and needs to turn the page. If he stops, he reads every word seperately. Has its pro's and cons really.
Tbh I saw both the parts pretty much at the same time, although I see alot of images simular to these so I guess I've had practise.

Some good pics from Gills and Bladerunner, keep 'em coming
I saw that in one go.

Gramps and that girl.
Quote from Takumi_lfs :I saw that in one go.

Gramps and that girl.

Both gramps? And how about the dog? :P
Quote from Mp3 Astra :That's fascinating. I wish I knew more about psychology.

Is it just me or anything that sounds to be said too seriously on the internet feels incredibly sarcastic?

pics don't work
It looks fine over here! Apparently I am just too 1337 for you all. :crown:

No wait, I am actually more than 1337, I'm 1338!
Attached images
Quote from (SaM) :It looks fine over here! Apparently I am just too 1337 for you all. :crown:

No wait, I am actually more than 1337, I'm 1338!

you're late?

Hmm, I wonder how long before this turns into another boob-fest.
Those are some big ass boobs o.O
Stolen from another forum

Quote from amp88 :Stolen from another forum


I remember seeing something like that after translating from welsh, probs in this thread actually
Quote from J@tko :
I remember seeing something like that after translating from welsh, probs in this thread actually

I think it was a council sign which said "The translator is out for lunch please call back later" or something similar

More stolen from another forum


Now those are funny!
Lmao, what's wrong with that car xd
This thread is closed

Inevitable picture thread
(2665 posts, closed, started )