The online racing simulator
Where to appeal? (Plea for clemency)
Hi there!

After having been banned for 4 long month I am willing
to plea for clemency after all.

The CTRA site says:
Quote :* Appealing admin decisions: A driver may appeal against an admin decision by filing an appeal. Drivers should only appeal decisions by admins if they genuinely believe that the original admin decision is based on inaccurate or incomplete information. Appeals should make specific references to the events in the report, highlighting where they believe the admins' errors have been made. Entering into an argument with admins will not result in a favourable appeal decision.

Unfortunately I cannot find the exact location of this
appeal form, if I may call it this way.

If anybody could give me a hint I would be more than

Greetings, Dandy
#2 - SamH
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