Oh come on. Not everyone can be original. In fact, just about everything in the world has already been done. Who's original anymore these days?
It's also not original to flame someone for a skin that he'd like to share. You're not forced to use it in any way if you do not like it, so what reason is there to degenerate his effort with such a comment?
I couldt agree more with u thats why im making my bleach skinpack at the least some originality IMO that is.
But I think not al cars are done but hey if i make a replica its not original its juts a rippof of a real car so most of the skins here were never original to begin with unlkess the design comes straght out of your mind it wil never be original becaus it would just be a arcecar from real life made into LFS.
Im not saying this to insult the ones who love to do this, its a artform to only difrent and IMO not original
EDIT: @polepos
I agree with u this forum ha slot of adults on it acting like little kids(thge ones i mean i wont cal names know it themselves I hope)