Man-Flu (aka Bird Flu)
(23 posts, started )
Man-Flu (aka Bird Flu)
Been hit hard by the deadly virus known as Man Flu, and I can't move or do anything of series note.

So far I have watched the last 5 eposides of 'Band of Brothers' (highlly recomend even if it's a couple years old) and have had a third plate of homemade tattie soup. The thing is I'm now completly bored out of my mind with nothing else to do, expect post mindless thread starters.

Being ill sucks.
I wish you many happy get wells, and a big pot of warm lemon tea.
I too am suffering from man-flu.

Bleh. Nose is like a tap and struggling to talk
What? Being ill is the coolest thing! I get an excuse to do all the things that I don't have time to do when I'm good : NOTHING! And I don't even feel bad about it!

Maybe it's my studies and the 10+ hours I spend everyday at the Uni that have this effect, but still, when I'm ill it means I get up the hour I want to, get to watch movies, play pc games, eat whatever I want to! It's even better if I'm ill while visiting my parents, because then I don't even have to take care of myself hehe!

edit: Plus the ''stony'' effect that fever and blocked nose gives you...nice...DAMN YOU MULTIVITAMINS!
Think I`ve had man-flu for a couple of weeks now. You can diagnose an actual case of it by the inordinate amount of moaning your other half does about you being sad and pathetic, starts completely ignoring your whining and buries herself in absolutely anything else that means she doesn`t have to listen to you anymore

BoB is a fine way of passing the time, but won`t last that long. Try consoling yourself by ordering up special extended editions of films you like or replaying favourite old games that don`t require much physical movement. Perhaps become temporarily more sarcastic than usual on random forum threads. I find it extends the periods inbetween moaning about how crap you feel to a tolerable point.
#6 - Bean0
Dr Bean0 prescribes Hot Toddy.

Now I know that, being Scottish you must know about it, but for our overseas readers here is the recipe I use...

Take a half pint glass.
Add a decent (double) measure of whisky - No need for a malt, cooking whisky like Bells/Grouse will do.
Add equal amount of fresh orange juice.
Top up to half pint with hot water.
Stir in 1 tablespoon golden syrup (honey, or just sugar is fine).

Drink slowly, and inhale the fumes.
I think you just need to Man The F**k Up. Like those people who died of SARS should have.
Get someone to do the flu test on you.

They drop a £50 on the floor, and if you can pick it up, you ain't got flu

I can't remember the last time I was ill, probably over 3 years ago now, I have a flu jab every year, and swear by zinc tabs.
I ahve to say it really pisses me off when wimpy guys complain about "man-flu". It's not flu, because that's a virus; it's a cold. Sometimes it might even be a heavy cold, but it's still just a cold.

I've had flu once in my entire life (ironically after my first ever flu jab) and I was unable to walk for 2 days. I tried to go shopping with my mum on the 3rd day and she had to carry me back to the car about halfway through. Your limbs ache, blinking is sore, darkness is too bright, etc. That's flu.

A runny nose, coughing and sneezing a bit is a cold. Stock up on Echinacea and deal with it.

No wonder guys get a bad rep when it comes to illness. Unless it's hanging off, I don't think about it. I was brought up to be hardy
I hate phoning up work when I'm ill. I don't want to say its flu because it blatantly isn't. However I don't want to say 'I've got a cold' because that doesn't sound like something that would stop you being able to go to work.
You should go to work unless it's a physical impossibility to do so.

Cold is not really a reason.

Reason to not to go to school, maybe. Work? Definatly not.
a cold? man-flu?

bunch of wimps.

try chicken pox when you are an adult. if i remember right it kills 5% who catch it.
before the spots came out, id been for a run and its the only time i struggled.
i crawled across the doorstep, and went to to work that night, and spent the entire shift propping myself up. just standing was physically hard.

next beauty was a dose of pleurisy.

without a doubt, the most painful condition ive experienced.

ive read its best discribed as someone slowly sticking a knife into you..........

any others got some wonderful experiences of ailments?

in the meantime................pass the stissues, sniff, sniff.

only kidding....get well soon.
You cant beat hemorrhoids....get them lasered off, and discover what REAL pain is
The most painful thing I ever had was a massive infection in my chin. Swelled up til I looked like Jimmy Hill. It got so painful that my manager actually sent me home from work because I was shaking and whimpering.

Disgusting spoiler space - you have been warned...

It dripped pus everywhere, soaking through sticking plasters in a matter of seconds. Felt like toothache but across the entire lower half of my face and painkillers wouldn't touch it.
A fortnight on antibiotics eventually shifted it and in the end the pus solidified again and I pulled the last bit out as a semi-solid lump about the size of a thumbnail.

Left a hole in my chin the same size that didn't fill with blood or anything, just stayed a hole. Thankfully it closed up and the scar is pretty small. But that was absolute agony and I hope to never repeat it.
Only good thing aboult flu's and colds are the temperature.
whacky dreams are always welcomed.

..the rest of the things that come with it, not so much
Quote from Mackie The Staggie :had a third plate of homemade tattie soup.

You eat soup on a plate?

Best thing about getting a cold: Non-drowsy Sudafed (or "Superted" as we like to call it). You're only supposed to take one, but all other tablets ask you to take two so it's easy to forget and take two of them.

If you do, try to avoid driving or operating heavy machinery or... crossing the street, anything that requires you to have a brain, for about 5 hours. Oh and don't take them after about 5pm or you'll never sleep. The side effect warnings on the packaging mention hallucinations which got me really excited, but I didn't get any. Maybe you'll have more luck.
Quote from S14 DRIFT :You should go to work unless it's a physical impossibility to do so.

Cold is not really a reason.

Reason to not to go to school, maybe. Work? Definatly not.

When I have to cycle in, and the fact that i feel so shit means I can't concentrate and people could lose thousands of pounds, as well as spreading my cold through the air conditioning to everyone else in the building then yes, a bad cold IS a reason not to go to work. And how is school different from work apart from the hour long breaks and the fact the you can go home 2 hours earlier?
Quote from Crashgate3 :When I have to cycle in, and the fact that i feel so shit means I can't concentrate and people could lose thousands of pounds, as well as spreading my cold through the air conditioning to everyone else in the building then yes, a bad cold IS a reason not to go to work. And how is school different from work apart from the hour long breaks and the fact the you can go home 2 hours earlier?

Also, if you go in and then go home, it is not counted as a day off sick for SSP purposes.
Well, take a bus. Train, or even a car.

Everyone feels shit for whatever reason, and they still go to work!

By the way most air conditioning units will have some sort of cleaning stage where the air that is recycled is cleaned, or it would kill many people, such as what happend before with whatever disease that they call it!

School = Really, in global terms, a waste of time. You learn how to do 1+1 and that's about it. Best way to sum it up is "they teach you how to take tests"

Work = Pay, meeting people where you're likely to remain freinds for longer periods (i.e schoolfreinds move away etc), meeting possible spouse :o, way to get your mind off things, may be a place to relax or/and enjoy yourself (depends on job obviously), list goes on.

'sides, take some of the Vichs (or w/e you spell it) crap and take it like a man!!!
#20 - AMB
Man, boo who you got the flu and I read somewhere that their mum had to carry you back to the car, seriously, harden up are you like 8 or somet?
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Well, take a bus. Train, or even a car.

Everyone feels shit for whatever reason, and they still go to work!

By the way most air conditioning units will have some sort of cleaning stage where the air that is recycled is cleaned, or it would kill many people, such as what happend before with whatever disease that they call it!

School = Really, in global terms, a waste of time. You learn how to do 1+1 and that's about it. Best way to sum it up is "they teach you how to take tests"

Work = Pay, meeting people where you're likely to remain freinds for longer periods (i.e schoolfreinds move away etc), meeting possible spouse :o, way to get your mind off things, may be a place to relax or/and enjoy yourself (depends on job obviously), list goes on.

'sides, take some of the Vichs (or w/e you spell it) crap and take it like a man!!!

.....and if the BUS DRIVER has a stinking cold, feeling like sh*t, and is dosed up to the eyeballs with over-the-counter you think that its a good idea for HIM to go to work regardless???
Well that depends how bad the cold is. My Dad works for a bus company (not specifically as a driver, but he does sometimes do just that), and, apart from being in hospital for an ankle operation, and the resulting 5 or so weeks of recovery time, hasn't had a day off for... I think 6 years he said.. something like that.

But anyway, as I said, if it's just sniffles etc, no biggie. You're a grown man. If it's like "OMG A WATERFALL OF SNOT IS RUNNING OUT OF MY NOSE AND PASSENGERS ARE SLIPPING ON IT AND I CAN'T BREATE THROUGH MY MOUTH OR NOSE AND OMG MORE", then maybe not. 'sides, there are plenty of non drowsy remedies you can take.

But yeah, since you drive buses, may I suggest using your (surely free) travelcard instead of braving the elements, you may find that you're less likely to 'catch a cold'
Quote from thisnameistaken :You eat soup on a plate?

Forgot to mention that my brother makes it so thick that you can quite literally stand the spoon/fork/knife/nation flag of you're choice in it without fear of it tipping over

mind the time when threads like these were for poops and giggles, instead now everyone jumps up and down screaming blue murder.....ho-hum.

Man-Flu (aka Bird Flu)
(23 posts, started )