The online racing simulator
What kind of team are you looking for? : Drift&Drag
Age:15(1month ill be 16)
Preferred Car/Track:rb4,lx6,xrt,fxo,rac,fz5
How Active Are You?everyday

TIME ZONE: central,usa
#52 - th84
Quote from thisnameistaken :Hi!

My name is Kev, I'm in my 30s (ask no questions, I'll tell you no lies! ROFL! LOL!) I like films and music and the countryside and staying in and going out and basically everything that you like LOL!

I'm looking for someone half my age with GSOH, no kids, no pets, knockers like beach balls, mostly for shagging but I can do the odd race in the LXs if I have to.

PMs plz.

- Kev (teh sexx0r)

LOL! You're such a tard.
What kind of team are you looking for? Race
Age: A mature 15 I would like to think Almost 16.
Country: England, UK
Preferred Car/Track: Will adapt to anything.
Average Laptime on Car/Track: Need practice, hoping to get that from a racing team with some fast drivers to train me up.
How Active Are You?
Relatively active. A bit busy at the moment but still come on and race frequently.
Time Zone: GMT london, brisbane etc ...
Controller: Fanatec's Porsche 911 wheel

Used to be quite quick but stopped racing when patch Y was released and have never been able to catch up with everyone else. Hoping that a decent racing team will be willing to take me on and train me up.

has anybody found a team yet? Well, I have found one, named Overfuzion (not known here very well) and they're pretty nice guys.
So, if you find a team, you can post here (post their name if you want to :P)
what do you think, swisscosmo?
Quote from Senninha25 :has anybody found a team yet? Well, I have found one, named Overfuzion (not known here very well) and they're pretty nice guys.
So, if you find a team, you can post here (post their name if you want to :P)
what do you think, swisscosmo?

Good for you for finding a team. And yes i think it would be great people Edited there form saying that you have found a team and if you want you can post the team that you joined.

Does Overfuzion have a website?
Can someone please sticky this shiz!
Quote from Gills4life :What kind of team are you looking for? Race
Age: A mature 15 I would like to think Almost 16.
Country: England, UK
Preferred Car/Track: Will adapt to anything.
Average Laptime on Car/Track: Need practice, hoping to get that from a racing team with some fast drivers to train me up.
How Active Are You?
Relatively active. A bit busy at the moment but still come on and race frequently.
Time Zone: GMT london, brisbane etc ...

Used to be quite quick but stopped racing when patch Y was released and have never been able to catch up with everyone else. Hoping that a decent racing team will be willing to take me on and train me up.



We might have place for you in this team. I'll just discuss with Tomson.
It's good that you are busy at the moment, because we are too by improving the team all the time. So at the moment you could freely race when ever you want. PM me if you are interested!

Quote from swisscosmo :Good for you for finding a team. And yes i think it would be great people Edited there form saying that you have found a team and if you want you can post the team that you joined.

Does Overfuzion have a website?

atm it's WIP, but I'll leave a link here for who's interested, save it for now, and wait until the site's work is done. It's an all-portuguese team unfortunately, and only two members of the team (me and austro) can speak english, so it would be impossible to translate to foreign country members in a reunion.
(D.Zanetti) DELETED by D.Zanetti
What kind of team are you looking for? Race
Age: 17
Country: Netherlands
Preferred Car/Track: i like FOX and also the GTRs, also love UF(-B)R
Average Laptime on Car/Track: average4/5 seconds slower then WR, but with alot of practise i can be faster.
How Active Are You? every ******* day lol
Time Zone: +1 GMT
Controller: G25 at 720 degrees and H-Shifter
I have PMed the mods to see about getting this stickyed and that was aout 1-2 weeks ago and no reply yet
Maybe put in the info list what controller your using
Quote from ArOuTiN :Maybe put in the info list what controller your using

Good idea never thought about that i'll go add it right know.
I've now joined revolution racing
Age:15 almost 16
Country: Romania
XRG Blackwood
I'm not always on because i'm a student
What kind of team are you looking for? (Race, Drift, Cruise, Drag or other)Race,drift,drag,kart
Preferred Car/Track:MRT5,XRT,BF1,any GT car,I can adapt.
Average Laptime on Car/Track:Bf1 oval 31.xx (Can't remember most)
How Active Are You?Very.
What Kind of Control do you use?Mouse.
Time Zone:GMT
What kind of team are you looking for? Race
Age: 15
Country: Lithuania
Preferred Car/Track: GTR's, Single seaters, XFG / WE1, AS2r, SO6r
Average Laptime on Car/Track: 0,9 - 1,5 seconds from WR in Westhill or South City
How Active Are You? Trying to play every day
Time Zone: +2 GMT
Controller: Logitech G25
What kind of team are you looking for? Race
Age: 16
Country: England
Preferred Car/Track: GTRS on most tracks
Average Laptime on Car/Track: 4-5 seconds of WR
How Active Are You? Every day if required

What Kind of Control do you use? XBOX 360 controller
Time Zone: GMT +0
Looking for a team to help me get faster and more experienced.
I already kinda got into a team ( I think? If you are reading this, check your pm on forum...), But I'll fill it out anyways just in case...

What kind of team are you looking for? Race
Age: 17
Country: United States of America
Preferred Car/Track: Honestly, I like most of the combinations on LFS and am pretty adaptable. But I'm best at FXR/XRR on AS3 (and on oval, but that's a given)
Best Laptime on Car/Track: When I had MOMO, I was hitting low 1:42's, but since I've had G25, I'm only hitting high 1:43's, slowly getting better...
How Active Are You? I'm usually on every day after school (I can be on after 2:30 (my time))
What Kind of Control do you use? G25
Time Zone: GMT -5
Team in need - A Racer indeed!
What kind of team are you looking for? Race - Open Wheelers
Age: 26
Country: United Kingdom
Preferred Car/Track: All the Open Wheel cars especially the BF1
Best Laptime on Car/Track: I'm pretty much universal, My stats show between 0.5 - 2 secs off the WR's on many tracks (which i could improve if i gave it the effort of hotlapping)
How Active (addicted) Are You? I'm usually on every day after work around 6pm GMT
What Kind of Control do you use? My Eyes, Feet and Arms Oh and the G25, Adapted pedals, Bolted to the wall desk.
Time Zone: GMT

I've recently set up my own team HM|RC but have no time to admin the site etc...
I'm looking for a team that has there own Skins and solid community.
Quote from peterules :

I've recently set up my own team HM|RC but have no time to admin the site etc...

This is why im not in your team no longer Pete . (No team Adminning )
Quote from EliteAti :This is why im not in your team no longer Pete . (No team Adminning )

I wish your new team good luck!... i mean, i wish you luck in your new team
What kind of team are you looking for? Race
Preferred Car/Track:BF1 ,GTR`S ,All aston tracks
Average Laptime on Car/Track: i could be fast in all tracks in all cars.
How Active Are You?
I`m trying to play LFS everyday,it supose when i`m back from school
What Kind of Control do you use? Steering wheel (g25)
Time Zone:GMT+2
(D.Zanetti) DELETED by D.Zanetti
Quote from D.Zanetti :Maybe you should allow private messages Pete

sorry mate, i had it set to members only, should be ok now, i'm just about to write to SR
who is the most active Mod cause i've PM'd SamH and Bob Smith about getting this thread a sticky and they haven't responded. and i PMed SamH about 3 weeks or more ago and Bob about 1 week.
What kind of team are you looking for? Race
Age: 15
Country: Finland
Preferred Car/Track: FMB, XRG atm.. Demo >.>
Average Laptime on Car/Track: Cant remember FMB, XRG on BL1 is somewhat around 1.37, but i just discovered a new trick for it and havent practised a lot.. afterall.. its my 2th day atm.
How Active Are You?
What Kind of Control do you use? Keyboard, saving money for Logitech Driving Force EX
Time Zone: GMT+2

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