Happy Birthday SCAWEN
(177 posts, closed, started )
happy birthday scawen
Sretan rođendan!
no need for translation....
Quote from hrtburnout :When it's Sinterklaas' birthday, he hands out presents.

It never ceases to amuse me that you folk get the same legend in two different languages and it never once dawned on you it was the same tradition. Happy Xmas no.1 on the 5th
Happy Birthday Scawen
This is probably slightly redundant at this point, but happy birthday.
Happy b-day Scawen!
I'm a bit late? Still, happy birthday.
Happy BirthDay in name of AdvancedSimracing.com team!
Happy birthday Scawen

Have a good one, and don't code drunk :P
Happy birthday Mr.Scawen!
Happy B-Day Scawen !
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SCAWEN! That deserves all capitals!
Happy birthday Scawen. Good luck!
Happy, happy, happy birthday from me too. I hope you will have a good party ...

Dont have a present for you, sorry ^^

Good luck in the future and i hope you will live lucky .... I hope you will give us good patches and stuff for LFS

Greetings from Germany Max
P.S Sorry for bar english
Happy Birthday to you! Have a great year ahead!
I too join the fun and wish you a happy birthday Scawen! :birthday:
Happy birthday Scawen:cake::balloons::banana_ra
Happy Birthday SCAWEN
Quote from Becky Rose :It never ceases to amuse me that you folk get the same legend in two different languages and it never once dawned on you it was the same tradition. Happy Xmas no.1 on the 5th

have you considered that parents occasionally figure this out but a kid conspiracy murders any parent that does to keep a constant stream of presents going?
Hey Mr.Scawen!

:rock_band Happy Birthday To You,Happy Birthday to you,happy Birthday Mr.Scawen, Happy Birthday To YOU!!!

And i Have a Little Present for You :

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Happy Birthday SCAWEN
(177 posts, closed, started )