The online racing simulator
roll and stop on BL1
(10 posts, started )
roll and stop on BL1
I searched the forum for this but found nothin, but it would suprise me to know it has been posted.

On blackwood 1 racing the Xf gti. afer the esses, go up the hill, brake for the right hander. this has happened to me on a few occasions (i will find a reply of it asap but cant find one at moment as not on comp with lfs on) but anyway. Go round the corner clip the inside curb, car rolls but when is flat on its side the car stops dead, no sliding just stops. Almost like the car has dug into the track. Also get a really loud scrapping noise which with ear phones is extremly loud lol.

As said i will find a reply of this asap, but i hope my explination was good enough for the moment
#2 - Jakg
wouldnt suprise me, after the corner your talking about (i think i know which on eoyu mean!) it raises on the green area next to the rumble strip, bounce the cara round enough and its likely to ground!
#3 - filur
Never happened to me, but i know the loud crash noise very well, sometimes it's like i get 30 crash samples playing on top of each other all at once, luckily i don't use headphones
#4 - robt
I know this bug, it happens with all the cars on the track...digs in around 30% accross the track from the inside rumble strip. been caught out many times. caused a few accidents too. as the car stops dead.
Yup, in my demo days I had this too, the right corner in front of the last bridge, before the pit. I knew the car in front of me was going to roll over, but I thought, if I follow this line, I'll be clear through, but suddenly he stopped instantly and I hit into him. Had it happening to myself one time too.
this happened to me when i used lfstweak s2 and slicks conf, it surprised me, alot
If you use R2 slicks the GTi rolls all over the place, R3's are okay only if you lower the COG enough (engine under the car, anyone?). On a vanilla GTi I'd only put on R4.
so this finally happened to me without any mods...thought i'd post it here...

edit: added picture of possible cause,
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Taavi(EST)_BL1_XFG_2.spr - 6.2 KB - 240 views
i never found a repey of me doing it and i couldnt get it to do it again. But thats what i mean. Although when its happened to me i have just stopped where u spun round.
It seems like the tyre has suddenly ran into a patch of ACME mega strong glue or something

roll and stop on BL1
(10 posts, started )