Hello fellow racers,
My name is Alex, I'm from Romania and since I own a S2 license I want to make a new LFS team, just for the fun of doing so, and who knows, maybe we will become famous.

My original nickname is Godfather not oxide.drftr, don't ask why, long story.
My plans:
Team name: Godfather Racing
Slogan: If we lose you die.
This two ideas are not original, they are registered to a company that makes body parts for motorcicles, but not to worry, I got permission to use their title and slogan.
Also I've made a couple of car skins with our banner. Here they are:
Another things is, if we grow up to be more then 4-5 racers in this team I will make a website and forum that can represent us. Other ideas are welcome.
Note: You don't have to be a great driver to join us. You will need a wheel and some free time. Remember, we do this just for the fun of it, this doesn't come with obligations of some sort.
Applications can be send to
[email protected]
You can write whatever you want, as long as it isen't offensive.
Edit: Another thing...I want to make this team only for racing, excluding drifting or drag. And our base car will be FZ5. And about our server, I have a computer at work that runs all the time, I can put the server on it.
Upps wrong section, made a new post here:
Please delete this one, sorry for the trouble.