The online racing simulator
Gymkhana / ShowDrift Layout
(2 posts, started )
Gymkhana / ShowDrift Layout
Gymkhana / ShowDrift Layout

Contains 3 stages and a optional 4th. Perfect for Free-style Gymkhana or ShowDrift / ShowOff events.

(Meens: Its not about who's the fastest, but preforms best (show-off) in a certains time getting from Start to Finnish. In that self-improvised route he 'needs to make'/'can make' use of the scala of object on the different stages.)

Previeuws of the stages.
(Photo doens't do it any good, it looks better in real )
Attached files
AU1_Gymkhana.lyt - 3.8 KB - 504 views
Very nice man!!
Its very fun .

Gymkhana / ShowDrift Layout
(2 posts, started )