Can't connect from vista
(9 posts, started )
Can't connect from vista
Hey guys. I can't connect to any server from Vista. From XP it works but from Vista no. I tried 32bit version/64 bit version but still dosen' work. It is allowed in firewall. I dont know what to do, help.
It looks so weird

I have Vista 64 bits with no kind of problems. The only thing I could suggest you is to run LFS as Administrator (right-click on the exe)
I know. Only i have the problem for all my friends with vista. I'm gonna try it as Administrator, brb.

LE : Tried. Same problem..geez
x64 Vista here too, didn't have to adjust anything for LFS to work. Sounds really weird, have you tried turning off the firewall completely? Also, what error does LFS give?
Tried to configure the fw inbound/outbound thingies. Dosen't work.
Tried to disable fw. Dosen't work.

What do you think if i install a stand alone FW , disable the one from vista and to the job with that one? will it work?
I don't think the firewall is the problem. I've no idea what it could be apart from the firewall though...Have you got an AV that could be blocking it?
No, no AV.
this happened to me when i first got vista but it fixed itself in a couple days :/
Mabye go properties>compatability>run in compatibility mode for XP?

Can't connect from vista
(9 posts, started )