Name: Philipp Hamann
What kind of team are you looking for? - Race!
Age: 29
Country: Germany
Preferred Car: XRT/FZ5
How Active Are You? - A few hours a week ( 4-8h)
What Kind of Control do you use? - G25 - no autoclutch - H-shifter
Time Zone: GMT+2
my suggestion is a big tbo class, where also fz5 and rac could drive in..with restrictions of course...a class with 5 equal cars would be much fun to me!!!
And in generall..i like the idea of such a server!
i had same problem...i my case a new power suply solved it!!
my pc only bootet in one of 20 tries...first i also thought its the mobo...but now its very stable and save...powersuply is the heart of a pc...if the heards gets old ( voltage dies) the system gets faulty
nice one...but any chance to get them in 3ds....i am too lazy to install max and convert them...i think it would be great also for other users who working with freeware