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S2 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :Tested this morning on a 2008 R2 x64 box with no trouble s1mon Pretty much just worked.

Thank you for your time and effort.

Unfortunately, my servers are still offline. I even reinstalled my box to Win 2003 and the result was the same, LFSWorld can connect, LFS client can't.

Did anyone try to host LFS servers in Hyper-V box with VLAN ID (trunking)?
S2 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :Exceptions should work - provided that you're applying them to the correct profile. Killing the firewall should result in no remote access to the box under 2008 server as it will go into deny mode.

I'll use a 2008 x64 r2 box from work if I can tomorrow and do some testing.

I can access all other services which are running on that box normally. Even Insim can access LFS servers.

Thanks for your help
S2 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :Windows firewall not setup correctly? It's actually effective in 2008 server.

First tried with exceptions. Then turning off. Then killed Firewall service. No luck...

I think I'm going to reinstall my server back to Windows 2003...
Connect timed out
S2 licensed

I'm having some problems running LFS dedicated servers. I have been running LFS servers for some time now and I do know about ports and such stuff.

The problem is, my server was running Windows 2003 and now I have migrated to Windows server 2008 R2 x64 and with the same LFS config files anyone who tries to connect is getting "connect timed out" errors.

My LFS servers are visible on LFSWorld and Insim relay is working. But when a client is trying to connect, LFS dedicated server just writes (network debug is on) "Guest wants to join" and that is about it.

I have forwarder ports 29339 and 63392 (TCP and UDP) and a few other ports but it's the same with any port I try to set in LFS config file...

Please help.
CROTeam racing liga - druga sezona
S2 licensed


Ovim putem CROTeam racing tim Vas poziva na sudjelovanje u drugoj po redu CTRL ligi!
Nakon uspješne prve sezone CROTeam racing tim organizira drugu sezonu CTRL lige u kojoj smo Vam pripremili zanimljivije i uzbudljivije utrke te garantirano ugodno druženje na stazama LFS-a!
Automobili i staze na kojima se vozi pomno su birani kako bi svakom novom utrkom unijeli napetosti i uzbuđenja kako liga odmiče dok je kalendar utrka planiran tako da se ne poklapa s dugim većim natjecanjima u LFS-u, utrkama Formule 1 i slično. Vremenski odmak od dva tjedna između utrka odbran ja kako bi se sudionici mogli bolje pripremiti između utrka. Kalendar utrka dostupan je ovdje: ... topic.php?f=39&t=1120 te ovdje: i naravno na priloženom flyeru!

Ukoliko ste sudjelovali u prethodnoj sezoni CTRL lige pravila su se neznatno promijenila, a ukoliko prvi put sudjelujete u CTRL ligi pravila možete pronaći ovdje: ... topic.php?f=39&t=1119

Prijave za ligu potrebno je napraviti na stranicama CROTeam racing tima, te na forumu tima konkretno ovdje: ... topic.php?f=39&t=1124

U slučaju nejasnoća te potrebnih daljnjih objašnjenja slobodno nas kontaktirajte putem foruma

Can you CTRL the race?

CROTeam racing
S2 licensed
This is such a great news to start a day TBO's on CTRA! Great racing is back in town

Here is a thought:
Another way to populate a server is to set one hour in a day with doubled points... Let's say, set 20.00 hour (CET) to be an hour with double scoring.
S2 licensed
This can be created very easily!

All it has to be done is editing one .txt file and knowing how to use WShell (Windows Scripting Shell) if LFS is hosted on Windows platform.
S2 licensed
Nice work!
Saved me a lot of time

Suggestion: automatic split of replay by laps. If race has 24 laps, mprEdit splits replay into 24 replays. Could be very interesting for movie making.
S2 licensed
LFSWorld Username: s1m0n
I would like to run for the position of nation's manager: no
Skills: driver
S2 licensed
Ability to disable chat during race and/or qualify sessions with option to allow chat messages for admin players.
S2 licensed
Quote from s1m0n :Thanks for the info
Bug report: LFSStat crash, can't tell when because I can't monitor LFS server 24/7. LFS server is Y patch, OS is Windows 2003 standard edition.
Crash window

Any update for this? Our league starts in a week...
S2 licensed
Quote from Gai-Luron :Hello,

First - 3 - place finished
Second - KITT2000 (FRA) - Ingame nick
Third - mick7337 - LFSWorld nick
Fourth - FXO - car
Fifth - DNF - race end status (DNF - Did not finish) or Total time for the winner- Gap Time for the current racer relative to winner
Sixth - 0:00.00 - BestLap
seventh - 0 - this is? Lapdone
eight - 0 - this is? Pitdone
ninth - empty_place - this is? Pos start grid
tenth - 3 - this is? Penalty flags


Thanks for the info
Bug report: LFSStat crash, can't tell when because I can't monitor LFS server 24/7. LFS server is Y patch, OS is Windows 2003 standard edition.
Crash window
S2 licensed
Can someone explain the columns which LFSStat saves in .csv file

3,KITT2000 (FRA),mick7337,FXO,DNF,0:00.00,0,0,,3

First - 3 - place finished
Second - KITT2000 (FRA) - Ingame nick
Third - mick7337 - LFSWorld nick
Fourth - FXO - car
Fifth - DNF - race end status (DNF - Did not finish, DNS - did not start, Finished?)
Sixth - 0:00.00 - is this total time of the race?
seventh - 0 - this is?
eight - 0 - this is?
ninth - empty_place - this is?
tenth - 3 - this is?
S2 licensed
Quote from Victor :I think it's always been like that. But if a racer deleted all his pb's lately, then his lapcounts are still there. So if you request someone's pb via pubstat, it'll return 0 for the pb, but still returns that lapcount. Just like how it is on lfsworld itself. Someone can have no pb (deleted) but he will still have a lapcount on that combo.

Thank you. Stupid me
S2 licensed
Just love the part:
...[FONT=Arial][I]I started playing the demo back in 2003...[/I][/FONT][FONT=Arial][I]I have rights too, even that it never popped into my mind to actually buy the game...[/I][/FONT]

That is yout the kind of people that are moaning about XRT in demo!
S2 licensed
I just can't believe that you someone can't afford to buy LFS but they can afford to pay ISP for playing LFS on the net and for BS posts on forums, they can afford computer to play LFS, they can afford wheel for playing LFS and so on. I can bet half of them have a cracked LFS on their computer!
Even with Y patch you have more than you should have! Developers are more than nice to give you that much. They give you 3 cars, 4 tracks and master server so you can find demo servers and play demo online! And you still find yourself righteous to ask for more!

Buy S2!
S2 licensed
It's OK now.

But, now there is another problem. When getting PB-s, before if player had no PB, pubstat didn't return anything, now pubstat for PB-s that don't exist returns time as 0 (zero). Is that the way it should be from now on?
LFSWorld stats bug
S2 licensed
Is this a bug?
WR data dosn't contain new car (Formula FB02). Where the new car should be it's just an empty string.
S2 licensed
YouTube mirror:

"Driving home for Christmas" would be a great background music

Great work guys! Can't wait for Christmas
S2 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :I'd still use a different method to get the same results - a conditional insert would be much more apt in this situation.

It is a great idea. I will give it a try and see if executing times are different. I believe your method should be faster and I have no idea why I didn't write my code like that...
S2 licensed
I'm selecting max one row at a time. Check SELECT statement:
rst.OPEN "SELECT playerID, carID, trackID," + _
"recordLFSOnline, recordLFSHotLap, recordLFSLapper " + _
"FROM tblRecords" + _
"WHERE playerID = " & PBPlayerID & _
" AND carID = " & PBCarID & _
" AND trackID = " & PBTrackID & ""

This selects max one row because player cannot have more than one record on one track driving one car. The idea to track player progress is just an idea. It's not even close to realization.
S2 licensed
Interesting idea...
I'm aware that txt file in the middle slows down a bit complete script, but the slow part isn't saving and reading txt file, but saving data from array into db. Also, for my stupid needs I need to have all date from LFSWorld in separate txt file. Reason? In the future I would like to develop something I called "Learning curve", application that would present players improvements in driving through time. Some nice statistical and chart data...
Do you have an idea hot to make saving data form array to db faster?
S2 licensed
Quote from Dygear :Seems like alot of code to do very little.

Is ASP any faster then PHP?

It's about the same. ASP.NET is much faster and has many functions already implemented which I have to write in ASP manually. But when working long time with ASP it is not easy to migrate to .NET.
S2 licensed
Here is the code
'Create object to put script at sleep to avoid tarpit
Set Shell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")

Dim PathToPB

'Open recordset with players
rst.OPEN "SELECT playerID, playerLFSWNick FROM tblPlayers WHERE playerStatus = 1 OR playerStatus = 2 OR playerStatus = 3", Conn, 3, 1
if not rst.EOF then

'Loop through recordset
Do While Not rst.EOF

'Empty txt file containing data

'URL (path) to LFSWorld Pubstat PB data
PathToPB = PubStatPB & rst("playerLFSWNick")

'Create object to "grab" data from LFSWorld
Dim xobjPB
Set xobjPB = CreateObject("SOFTWING.ASPtear")

'"grab" data from LFSWorld
Dim strRetPB
strRetPB = xobjPB.Retrieve(PathToPB, Request_GET, "test=wille", "", "")

'Destroj object
Set xobjPB = nothing

'Check if there is any record
if Trim(strRetPB) = "pb: racer has no pbs" then
Response.Write("No PB's for: " & rst("playerLFSWNick") & "<br>")
elseif Trim(strRetPB) = "can't reload this page that quickly after another" then
Response.Write("Too soon<br>")
'Save data to TXT file
Call SaveToTxt(PathToPBtxt, strRetPB)

'Read data from TXT file and put it into array
dim strPB
redim arrPB(-1)
dim e, objFSPB, objTSPB
set objFSPB = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set objTSPB = objFSPB.OpenTextFile(PathToPBtxt, ForReading)

e = 1
do until objTSPB.AtEndOfStream
redim preserve arrPB(e)
arrPB(e) = objTSPB.ReadLine
e = e + 1

set objFSPB = nothing
Set objTSPB = nothing

'Parse data from array
Dim fPB
Dim arrPBUpper, SplitPB
Dim PBId, PBTrack, PBCar, PBSplit1, PBSplit2, PBSplit3, PBTime, PBLaps
Dim PBPlayerID, PBTrackID, PBCarID

fPB = 1
arrPBUpper = UBound(arrPB)

Do While Not fPB > arrPBUpper
SplitPB = Split(arrPB(fPB), " ")
PBTrack = SplitPB(0)
PBCar = SplitPB(1)
PBTime = SplitPB(2)
PBLaps = SplitPB(3)

PBPlayerID = rst("playerID")

PBTrackID = GetTrackID_LFSWID(PBTrack)

PBCarID = GetCarID_CarShort(PBCar)

'open recordset with players records and insert or modify record
rst2.OPEN "SELECT playerID, carID, trackID, recordLFSOnline, recordLFSHotLap, recordLFSLapper FROM tblRecords WHERE playerID = " & PBPlayerID & " AND carID = " & PBCarID & " AND trackID = " & PBTrackID & "", Conn, 1, 2
if rst2.EOF then
rst2("playerID") = PBPlayerID
rst2("carID") = PBCarID
rst2("trackID") = PBTrackID
rst2("recordLFSOnline") = PBTime
rst2("recordLFSHotLap") = "0"
rst2("recordLFSLapper") = "0"
if rst2("recordLFSOnline") <> PBTime then
rst2("playerID") = PBPlayerID
rst2("carID") = PBCarID
rst2("trackID") = PBTrackID
rst2("recordLFSOnline") = PBTime
end if
end if
fPB = fPB + 1
end if
'Move to next player
'Empty TXT file
'Put script to sleep for 6 seconds
Shell.Popup "", 6
end if
'Destroy shell object
Set shell = nothing

S2 licensed
Quote from funnybone2 :what about a caar that just an engine and a seat

Ariel Atom!