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S2 licensed
Up and running again, it's not my error, i set it up right, next time i loaded the game the settings were the same and the wheel was all over the place. On the 3rd reload all was fine, again i'd not touched the settings. It's a conflict of some nature. It's now working fine each time i load & when i boot the machine thank God!
Last edited by Doeboy, .
S2 licensed
Nope this morning i'm finding again that the wheel is turning full lock within a few inches of movement on the g25, adjusting the settings does nothing.
S2 licensed
Sorted finally, now all i need is to pay up for my licence and ram you skilled drivers off the road for a month while i get to grip with it all.
S2 licensed
Ok sorted the wheel issue, i see how it works now.

Whats the difference for the seperate axis when you can break and accelerare at the same time on just the one axis?
S2 licensed
Combined axis where?????????????????????? IT IS OFF IN GAME AND STILL IT SHOWS BOTH ON 1 AXIS

I've settled for setting it to 1 axis and it works.

However now the wheel turns full lock with just 160 degrees on my g25!
S2 licensed
The problem is LFS sees the break and throttle on 1 axis. so when i assign it, if my foot is off the pedal in game it's 50% and then the pedals movement is the other 50%. Somethings seriously wrong here.
S2 licensed
I'd already turned it off. I can set clutch to act as one and then use throttle but even then its screwed up! It accelerates on it's own and when I put my foot down it goes even faster!
S2 licensed
This is daft and i'm angry now it's not working properly at all. Steering is fine but break/gas are the same axis, it goes up for throttle and down for break. And in game i find that only one works, either brake or gas and then it it will auto rev, or rev up until you throttle down, it's all ****ed up"
G25 owners help with LFS needed. [solved]
S2 licensed
simply put i can't get my G25 to work with LFS, GTR2- works a dream.

LFS can see the wheel and pedals, i know this because i can move the wheel in game but it's stupid- 300 degrees in a few inches turn on my g25, i can't find how to make it 1:1 scale or anything better than 1:50!!!

Secondly the break and gas show as active in settings but in game nothing!!! by active i mean i can see the blue bars move so it sees them but ingame it does nothing!

help. someone please post step by step guide for me please!
S2 licensed
Iit's a F**King joke the way this has turned out, I blame Logitech TBH. God only knows how long it will take for the majority to get their G25. I think middle to end of November. I've had pre orders with Dabs and Digital Kingdom, I cancelled Dabs as their lead-time was too long, now digital Kingdom have put theirs back to 8th November! And there's no guarantee I’m going to get one if they only have a hand full in! from there 69 orders that they had a week ago.
S2 licensed
Yea, i've found Matrox's forum, oddly though they lock it outside of working hours. Tomorrow i'm going to post my problem, fell free to add yours to it as well. I've not found a single post about flicker which worries me. It makes me think that this issue is only affecting Brits which hold up as evidence for the different voltage between US/UK. We;ll have to see. The forum's also got details of workarounds for other games too.

Basically i've read up a little and simply when you've got such a big screen it takes longer to draw the pixels so you need a better refresh rate than 60hz. 3840x 1024 is the max they can allow because of bandwidth limitations.
S2 licensed
As it stands i've spent less than 3 hours on a race track be it GTR/GTR2 or LFS. I'm also driving with a mouse and if thats not painful enough it happends to be a ultra sensitive Logitech mx1000 (full lock in about 1.5 inches!!!) . Caught between a rock and a hard place the options were to buy a cheap wheel while i waited for my G25 Which i haven't done, or just wait the 2 weeks which now has turned into 4! So currently i'm trying not to race to much and await the return of my TH2G unit and the G25 then i'll buy the full game. I just can't drive seriously without a wheel.
S2 licensed needs to be re-installed to ask for resolution by the looks of things. We'll see when i get this new TH2G at the end of next week.
Last edited by Doeboy, .
S2 licensed
I just called Scan and told them it was faulty. I needed to start ruling out potential causes so it was first. I expect this one will flicker also, What graphics card do you have? I've got a whole list of things to try. TBH after spending £600 for triple screens i don't see why i should have to put up with it flickering.
S2 licensed
Have you got TH2G to work with GTR2 it's not on the supported list and I can't play it at all not even on 1 monitor as I get sound but no PIC. I was quite disappointed by that I must say.
S2 licensed some else has the same issue. I'm waiting for my replacement, but i'm expecting it to do the same. Which is really shite as i've just splashed out £500 on 3 monitors! One particular game flickers 50% of the time when i boot it up.

MY phase was set at 85, you said it's helped do you means it's stopped or reduced the flickering?
Last edited by Doeboy, .
S2 licensed
Athlon 64 3500+ @ stock (to be upgraded soon)
Gigabyte nforce 4 mobo
2gb Corsair 3200 @ stock
256mb Geforce 6800 Ultra clocked to 435/1200 (to be upgraded soon)
Antec truepower 480W PSU
3 x 19" LG 1917S monitors running at 3840 x 1024 resolution
2 x logitech 1000 mice
Creative XFI X-Treme music sound card.
Creative 4100 5.1 surround sound speaker set.
Sennheiser HD280Pro headphones
waiting on Logitech G25
XP pro

1 x Dell Inspiron 3100 laptop= Cent 1.7/1024/60HDD/15.4
S2 licensed
It's flickered at 75Hz 3072x768 now so i'm pretty sure it's the hardware. We'll see by then end of next week
S2 licensed
They should be but i ebay'd and found a few with lower clock and mem speeds, one was 425/1050 the others were 475 and 400! yes i know it's 24 pipes but still. My Ultra is 425/1100. besides it should still handle it. i was getting 90fps before 3 screens and i'm still getting 60fps so that tells me the card's not stressed at all.
S2 licensed
I see you've got a 7800GT which is pretymuch the same power as mine. I've asked scan to swap it, after that if the new unit does the same i don't have a clue, it could just be that it doesn't like LG monitors.
S2 licensed
Then it's got to be either something faulty in the triplehead unit or my graphics card. It's true that if i run the lower res at 75hz it stops flickering but it still should be fine at 60hz. This flickers always seems to apear after a change on screen, so at boot up or when i boot a game up or come out of a game. It never just starts mid desktop or mid game.

What graphics card are you using cannon? I'm running a 6800 Ultra 256mb and it's supposed to be supported. I'm really begining to think it's the TH2G thats faulty.

I also have another oddity, on my centre screen i have veritcal lines where the text goes soft. It's only on triplehead that this happends and if i change to either side monitors for centre view it's not there. So the monitor is fine in single mode but not happy with TH2G. I've ordered a 3rd monitor to match the others and will sell this one off so thats sorted per say. But still odd.
S2 licensed
I've spoken to tech support, idealy it should be running at 75hz not 60, i don't have the option at 3840x1024 to run it at anything other than 60hz. who's running at that resolution what refresh do you have set? have you had any flickering whatsoever?

I'm now testing TH2G on one screen at 1280X1024 which is what it was at before. if it flickers it's something to do with TH2G, if not then it's possible my graphics card won't run the higher resolution well enough
Last edited by Doeboy, .
Triplehead2go help!
S2 licensed
I've got my triplehead2go now but i've for a few issues, quite a few.]

Firstly i have an LG1980Q for my main monitor and i ordered 2 LG 1917s. When i use TH2G the text on the main panel is abnormal, it is the panel i've checked, but in normal 1280x1024 it's fine! So i've ordered another 1917s

Secondly i'm getting a flutter across all screens, strong on the left hand and slightly less on the centre and right panel. it's the same at all resolutions. Anyone had this?

GTR2 won't run on the 3 screens, fine but when i load it, instead of taking on only the centre panel i get no picture only sound! Anyone had this either?

So far it's not workable.
S2 licensed
I'd just ordered a 7950GX2 1GB but promptly canceled my order when i realised that the 8800's were around the corner, I may still buy the 7950 but next month when the DX10 make it drop by £100 or so. It was (OEM) £316 from scan- good price.
triplehead2go and TrackIR owners read here!
S2 licensed
i've ordered triplehead2go and 2 more monitors which will arrive this friday.

I'm also considering TrackIR 4 pro because it seems to be to good to be true. Does anyone have both these systems running together.

Have you got trackIR what are you experiences.

Those who run triplehead2go what graphics card you have, what resolution, and what frame rate is which games?

I've currently got an 6800 Ultra running at 420 and 1100. I'm worried a little it will struggle with the likes of GTR2
Last edited by Doeboy, .